The Party From Hell

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Hey guys! So this is a story I wrote for english. It is only going to be one part but please, I haven't written many scary stories and this is the first real one I have. Enjoy?

"Hey Claire, you coming to my party later?" Jay yells across the classroom during English. I nod my head yes while shushing him. The class laughs at his face to me trying, and evidently failing at making him silent again. After the final bell I meet up with my best friends Zoe.

"Hey Zoe" I greet her under the tree we always meet at.

"Hey" she replies, dragging out the 'y'.

We link arms and head over to our cars. Since we are very close in age, I got my car first so we carpooled. When she turned 16 and got her licence, we no longer needed to carpool. Now we are 17 so we can drive without a parent. We say goodbye after agreeing to meet at my house a few hours later to get ready for the party. After pulling up in my driveway, I hop out grabbing my homework less bag.

 Due to being a Friday, no teacher assigned homework which we are thankful for. I unlock the front door to my house since my parents aren't home due to a business trip they took earlier today. They said they would be home later, but I could care less. They are never home anyways. I have held countless parties and they haven't even batted an eyelash.

"It's part of growing up" they would say and tell me just to clean it up. I unplug my headphones while walking over to the sound system, wanting noise in this eerie silent house. My parents invested early in a household sound system for my birthday present when I was 14. Since I grew up alone, I always listen to my music. And when I listen to it, it's, loud. I plug the jack into the headphone spot on my IPod. I blast If You Can't Hang by Sleeping with Sirens, one of my favourite bands. As I pull out the fixings for some food, the song changes to Royals by Lorde.

And every songs like

Gold teeth

Grey goose

Tripping' in the bathroom.

I sing as loud as I want. I have been told I can sing very well, but I think they only said that due to my parents being rich and famous in the business world. I take some time to make food for me and Zoe. I made KD because I'm lazy and could care less what I eat. A while after the food is done, Zoe walks in and drops her duffel bag onto the floor and grabs her bowl of food from the counter. We sit in silence while eating. Since we have a few hours till the party starts, we take our time getting ready. When the time rolls around to go the party, we look fabulous. Zoe is wearing a plaid mini-skirt with flats and a button up coral shirt. I decide to go with comfort rather than style. So I chose some dark green skinny jeans, a white silky shirt and blue high tops. We head out the door right as the party is supposed to start.

We pull up to the house expecting loud music, drunken teens and lights. But we get the opposite. We look up at Jay's house and see the living room light on, along with the kitchen light and his hallway lights.  I look over at Zoe giving her that look asking 'what the-?' She just gives me an 'I don't really know' look. We walk up the long driveway, leaving our cars by the street. We knock on the door when we reach the house. Jay opens the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey! Glad you could make it!" he says with a big goofy grin on his face. He looks very nice in blue jeans and a soft blue shirt. He leads us in his house closing the door. If only we noticed he locked the door. All five locks. He leads us into the living room where we are greeted by the rest of the group. James, Chloe, and Austin are there. Once we sit down, Jeremy comes from the kitchen with food in his hands. He leaves after placing the pop and bowls of chips down. A few minutes later he comes back with some mozzarella sticks on a cookie sheet.

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