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The dark sky turns slightly blue. Birds starts singing. Some people are laughing from across the street with liquor in their hands; looking fancy, feeling high. I throw a smile from this cold balcony, and put the pen down.

Three weeks without Riley.

I treat myself a long shower, for I think I deserve it. Walk down the kitchen to make some sandwiches. Mom and daddy aren't awake yet. Of course, it's only 6 in the morning.

First day of school again.

Wait no more, I leave a note by the fridge and make my way to school by walk. It is indeed far. But I'm needing it. Riley will come back from LA. We will have a talk about that. I believe my sleepless night doesn't give enough favor. I still don't know what to do.

I arrive at school by slightly before 7. Some people are checking their new classrooms. I just walk pass by to approach ladies bathroom. Couple minutes later, I walk to my locker.

Wait. The key won't work.

I recheck my bundle of keys that's attached on this backpack. I surely didn't miss anything. This locker is still mine, and the key reminds the same.

Second attempt. Still hard.

I look around, but no one seems to care about my struggle. This is why I hate first day of school. I just left this building for three weeks and already have so much to handle.

Third attempt. Oh, it's finally working.


A fully loaded locker. Remember I've cleaned up my space on that last day of summer class. A locker full of junks is the last thing I need right now.

I pick some sealed envelopes from the floor, but this photo by the locker's door attracks my eyes.

Riley's? I didn't remember putting his picture.

My heart starts racing. I check the name on each envelope. Akira, written by the same person, judging from the handwriting. I check around, still nobody seems care to ask. So I guess these are mine. Do I have an admirer now?

I can imagine that look on your face, hun.
You must be confused. Let's say I win the game, because to make you confused is my goal in life ;)
Hey baby. We'll be meeting shortly today after school. I hope you've prepared me some good news. I can really use one right now.
Have fun at school. Well, I know I won't be there. I know you can't gaze at me but, hope this stack of paper will keep your hands busy for the next few days.
Just so you know that I'm also a fan of you. And no, I didn't do this out of bad feeling for what you've done for me. You just happen to give me inspiration to express my feelings. It's you baby, I sacrificed my last night three weeks ago to sneak them in for.

Your painful partner of life,

I fall on the ground, kneeling, crying to my deepest heart. I've been making it too difficult for him, that he had to sacrifice so much time only to convince me. I thought he didn't even think about me. Turns out Riley has been waiting, very patiently, for this day when I open my locker. He has so much faith in him about us, while I'm just keep making excuses of why we should not be together.

Today goes smoothly and fast. Now I'm standing by the main lobby as instructed on the back of his letter, waiting for him.

He rings my phone. "Hun, ready?"


He doesn't hang it, but I can see his car approaching me. I feel the craziest butterflies inside me. I fall in love harder than three weeks ago.

"You-" Riley barely can finish his line. "You look beautiful."

"Can we..." I buckle myself up.

"I have booked a table for two." He nods, knowing I want to get out of there quickly.

"No, I show you the way."

"What? Why? You have your own preference?" He starts the engine. "Anything you like. Show me the way."

He drives us away from school, as I lead the direction. I hide the smile from my face, acting like I'm all serious and in-charge. He doesn't realize where I'm taking him to, until we drive pass by the gate to my block.

"Your home?" He smiled brightly.

"Follow me."

Mom and dad are both at work, so I use my key to unlock. I pull his hand into my room, my cave.

A cave full of unsent letters hanging on the wall.

"This is beautiful." He gasps.

"No, baby, what you did to me is beautiful." I hold his hands. "Thank you for paying it off double times. You make me feel special."

"I told you I'll prove-"

That's too long. I need to cut it off. I know what I want, so best way to celebrate the good news is by kissing him. He enjoys it ten times better. His hands wrap my waist a lot tighter. Our hearts are contained with so much love.

"How's the survive trial?" He pecks the corner of my lips.

"Miserable. And I don't want to do it anymore."

"But you said so yourself, you want to make sure of everything before we kiss again."

"Think I'll skip that part, and move on to the kissing instead." I smirk.

"You're a pain too, you know that?"

"Says the guy who sneaks a mountain high of letter to my locker."

"Well, thought it's a school trend, since I got some for myself too before."

"Riley!" I slap his arm.

We're off laughing so hard. We're happy. This room is fulfilled with joys and love. I think we're going to stay like this for a while; arguing like best friends, loving like life partners.

Whatever it is, I'm just happy to have him along the way, going forward.

Who said summer school is always that bad ;)

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