22. The Tale of Two Justin.

Start from the beginning

I couldn't shut it up.

"What are you thinking about?" Justin asked me, bringing my mind back from my thoughts.


"You can't be thinking about nothing." He chuckled, "It's impossible."

I shrugged and snuggled deeper into his pillows that were surrounding us on all sides, "Do you have plans for tomorrow?"

"Well, it's Friday so...the normal." He replied like a question.

"I have classes early in the morning and then I'm free. If you...want to even hang out with me." I quickly said, backtracking.

"Calm down, Maddie. I have no friends so don't worry. I won't be going anywhere." He laughed.

I loved it when he was like this. There were no barriers and Justin could just laugh freely. I had figured him out somewhat from our time together. I had deduced that the two Justins were so different from each other that it was almost bordering on bipolar disorder.

With me, when we were alone, he would express amusement, joke and play around but as soon as someone came around or when we were in public, a wall went up. I didn't know what that was about but Justin basically shut down, not towards me but towards others. He would be cold and clipped, like he didn't even want to talk to them. It was so strange. Even with Keegan and Finn, he was acting like the leader of their small group. The weird thing was that they followed. Maybe it was just the dynamic of their family but Justin was kind of scary around other people.

I would always make sure to never back down though whenever he went off into Dr. Jekyll mode. He was getting slightly better at opening up to me but there were still things that he kept to himself. I wasn't trying to poke into his life, I simply wanted to know who the real Justin was.

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to come to a baseball game with me and my family tomorrow?" Justin asked.


"Yeah, we always get good seats from the mayor and my father is a huge White Sox fan. Plus, it's the playoffs so..."

"I would love to go." I said, maybe a little too enthusiastically but I didn't care, "I don't know that much about baseball but I can keep up. Freddie usually makes me sit in front of the TV to watch the games."

"I don't usually go but if you are, then I'll be there."

"You don't go? The mayor gives you guys seats and you pass that up every year?"

"I don't get too excited over things like that and the mayor is just trying to get as much money out of us as he can. I sold him his house."

"Wow, I didn't realize you ran in such high circles." I laid on his chest.

"You have no idea." He sighed, "And then Halloween is on Sunday."

"Olivia already has my costume picked out."

"What is it?" Justin got a certain look in his eye.

I hit his arm, "Stop being such a perv and I don't know. She won't tell me. We're supposed to be going to Plasma for the party they have there."

"Finn loves that party." He rolled his eyes, "I guess I have to go this year."

"We could stay in." I suggested.

"No, we can go but I'm not dressing up so tell Olivia to back off." He said seriously.

"If I have to dress in something then so do you."

"Absolutely not."

I was about to say something else when Justin's phone rang on the table. He reached over me to pick it up.

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