Hate Auto Correct?

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Do you hate auto correct? Cuz I definitely do. Why do we need auto correct anyways? Welp, itz cuz if we don't know how to spell something or if we misspell something, auto correct helps us. 

Here's something funny. Yas I made it up. These are random names too, Not. These are my two fav friends.

Auto Correct:

Clown: I'm gonna kill auto correct.

Leprechaun: Why?

Clown: I went to go message this kid name Bryce, and I went to go put slaughter, and it corrected to love. Like WTF.

Leprechaun: I'll help you, my pretty. I'll pretend to be hurt and then, BAM! We kill him.

Clown: That's a bad plan, Leprechaun. 

Leprechaun: Why?

Clown: Nobody is gonna help a leprechaun.

Leprechaun: Are you saying that you wouldn't help me?

Clown: Yes, that's what I'm saying!

Leprechaun: I wouldn't help you either! I hate you! I should've killed you when I had the chance.

Clown and Leprechaun: WOLFIE! 

Me: yes?

Clown: He said he hates me and that he should've killed me.

Leprechaun: You said that you wouldn't help me if I was hurt.

Me: Both of you immature kidz. Shut up! You need to stick to the script.

Clown and Leprechaun: I QUIT!

Me: You can't leave! We have people to humor!

Clown: Humor them yourself.

Leprechaun: Yeah, Humor them yourself.

Can you say Cat Fight? Wow! They are so nice. Don't you think so? Gotta love them tho! 

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