Meh Random? Nah

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Now why would you think I'm random? Is it because I put that as my title or put that in the description? Fine, you caught meh. I'm random. I have a random life. I have a random personality. I'm random. How bout you? Are you random? Do you think your random? You do know that everybody is awesome, including you, right? Okay okay fine. I'm done rambling. Now to the real thing I wanted to talk about.

This random book is gonna have funny, scary, and adorable things. You read at your own risk. Just a warning. ;) Now back to my rambling.

Life is random. So that would mean your random too, right? I mean, I know I'm not random, or am I? Let's have a little competition. Whoever says their random the most then they are random. Confusing, right? It's not a real competition? I did not know that! Alright alright, all you awesome people are awesome.

Don't forget to check out my books. My friends, The Clown and The Leprechaun are watching you!

Meh Random? NahWhere stories live. Discover now