A beautiful BOY was born 

"OMG OMG OMG !"-You said breathless holding your head .

"Wow"-Ray said in awe 

"Okay well done . Sir would you like to cut the umbillical cord ?"-The doc asked

"Yes , yes !"-Ray said taking the scissors 

Ray cut the cord 

"Well we are just getting the baby cleaned , Just wait miss "-The doc said walking over to the nurse who was cleaning the baby boy .

"Are you the father of this baby ?"-The nurse asked looking at Ray 

"Noo , the uncle"-Ray smiled 

"Oooh okay , does she had any clothes for the night ?"-The nurse asked 

"Yes , I brought some clothes for her , for the night"-Ray said holding the duffle bag 

"Thats good . Miss would you like to hold him ?"-The nurse asked 

"Yes please"-You said reaching out for your screaming and crying son 

The nurse gave you the baby 

"Omg look how tiny he is"-You said taking him and wiping away his tears 

"He's soo cute "-Ray said leaning over to bed to get a look at the baby 

"What are you going to name him ?"-The nurse asked 

"Jayden"-You smiled looking at the nurse 

"Thats a cute name"-The nurse smiled back .

"Yeah"-You laughed a little wiping your tear 

"Well me & Doc will leave yall alone . Would yall like me to send in the over guy and the girl ?"-The nurse asked 

"Yes please "-You said wiping your tears 

They left 

"Hey , why are you crying ?"-Ray asked 

"The one person who was supposed to be here didn't even show up"-You said rocking Jayden to sleep 

"Who ?"-Ray asked a bit confused 

"Chresanto August"-You said looking at Ray 

"Prod called him but he never picked up even I tried calling I don't know what happened to him"-Ray said 

"It's whatever . As long as I have Sierra , Jayden , Prod & You then I will be fine "-You said looking at Ray 

"Haha thats good"-Ray said . Instantly , Prod and Sierra walked in 

"OMG IS THAT MY BROTHER ?!"-Sierra squealed 

"Haha yes it is but you have to be quiet .. He's sleeping"-You said 

"Woahhh . He's like a splitting image of you and Chresanto"-Prod said 

"Yeah .. Thanks"-You said smiling ."Oh , he's called Jayden"-You continued 

"Hello Jayden"-Sierra said waving to him 

"Mommy he's being rude , he didn't even say hello back"-Sierra said folding her arms 

"Haha Sierra he can't talk yet and he's sleeping"-You said laughing a little 

"Oh heh heh . He's soo small "-Sierra said looking at how small he was 

"Thats what I said "-Ray said

Everyone was laughing until it got quiet when Chresanto walked in .

Ray and Prod were both mean mugging him 

"U-umm .. Hi guys"-Chres said closing the door behind him 

"Nigga wtf are you doing here ?"-Ray said 

"Listen I got yall calls and texts saying that Yn was in labour and eveything so I just wanted to come and see my son"-Chres said walking close to the bed 

"Mhmm"-You said 

"Can i hold him ?"-Chres asked you 

"Whatever"-You gave him Jayden 

"Aha , my son !"-Chres smiled as he held his son 

"Okay times up I want my son back"-You said taking back Jayden 

"Will yall give us a minuet ?"-Chres asked 

"Whatever"-Prod and Ray said walking out with Sierra shutting the door bhind them 

"What Chresanto ?!"-You growled at him 

"I said that I was sorry . I was busy thats why I didn't come in time for the birth"-Chres said apologizing 

"Does doesnt mean anything ! & Hmmm lemme guess you was busy fuck another hoe right ?"-You rolled your eyes 

"Can't we just leave that in the past Yn ? I wanna be in your lfe again"-Chres said holding your hand 

"I don't love you anymore"-You looked down 

"Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't love me Yn"-Chres said looking at you 

"I-I Can't"-You said looking at him 

"Listen , I know that you still love me , I still love you . It was the worst mistake that I had ever made like ever but I'm willing to over look that . I love you Yn and I wish that you could just take me back"-Chres said 

"Get out "-You said calmly 

"What ?"-Chres said furrowing his eye brows 

"GET THE FUCK OUT !"-You screamed 

Chres flinched then left the room storming out of the hospital 

"Are you okay ?"-Ray rushed in concered 

"Yes , Yes I'm fine . Just tired ."-You said looking at Jayden who was still sleeping 

"Ohhh , I'll stay here with you.. If you want me to "-Ray smiled 

"Awww would you ?"-You asked ?

"Yeah, I'm your best friend so I'd do anything for you especially not I know that you'll need someone to be with you "-Ray said 

"Yeah , ig"-You said . "Will you take Jayden and put over there while I sleep ?"-You asked Ray 

"Yeah , Imma just tell the 2 that Imma be staying "-Ray said 

"Yeah okay "-You yawned and rolled over to the side 


Okay I did update 

My next update will be tomorrow or today if I'm feeling lucky hehehe 

But welcome to the world Jayden August ! 


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