It's Time .

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8 Months Later 

Soooo , Lemme just tell yall what happened : Mr. August found out Roc was the father of the baby so he got mad and told both of yall to get out of the house . After that yall haven't even heard or talked to him since then . Roc got lucky and found a little apartment in North LA for yall and the baby . It was really sad because with everything that was going on , you could have lost the baby . Roc had been there for you 100% since you told him that you was pregnant . He started going to Anger management because of his anger issues and it was working . 1 Thing ... YALL ARE FINALLY DATING ! YES ! FINALLY ! Lol okay I shall stop now . Anyways , Roc has been finding it really hard to control his hormones . He needs some pleasure but you're pregnant and he knows what’s good for the baby so he was having some trouble . One night he got mad so he lied saying that he was just going over to a friends house when he was actually going down to the strip club downtown . He didn't exactly have sexual intercourse with any girls but he did manage to get lap dances . 

Bree got mad when she found out that Chres had gotten you pregnant . She acted and played it cool like she didn't care but now she really hates you . 

Midnight ... 

“ ... OMG ! Chresanto ! Chresanto ! WAKE UP CHRESANTO !”-You said shaking Chres hard 

“OMFG what do u want now !”- Chres asked groaning

 “My water broke Chresanto”-You said panicking

 “OHH MYY !! Come on let's go ! “-Chres said jumped up

“Chres Baby , I can't move . You have to pick me up but I'm wet”-You said

 “Fine whatever” –Chres said

Chres carried you bridal style into the car and drove as fast as he could (but safely) to the hospital . Yall got there within 10 minutes . As soon as yall got there , Chres was screaming for a doctor . One came rushing out of nowhere and put You on a gurney and wheeled you into a room .

30 Mins later 

 “Mr. August ?”-The doc asked

“Yes ? Yes that's  me ?”-Chres said

“Your girlfriend is about to give birth so if you would come inside “-The doc said

“Yeah sure thank you doc”-Chres said

 “No problem “-The doc said

Roc walked in and saw you , You looked pale & weak . You was crying and was shaking 

“Babe are you okay ?”-Chres asked

“Yes ... Yes . I'm just scared “-You said

“You'll be okay babe . Don't worry “-Chres said kissing your forehead

“Thanks baby”-You said

 “Okay it's time Miss Yn “-The nurse said

“Ohh God “-You sighed

“Don't worry , you just push & we'll do the rest “-The doc said

 “Omg baby hold my hand”-You said grabbing onto Chres’ hand

“ Okay 3-2-1 push !”-The nurse said

You scream & push

“Yes babygirl you're doing good”-Chres said kissing your hand

“I can't do this”-You started to cry and whimper

 “Yes you can ! I didn't was 9 months for nothing Yn . I'm dying to see our baby” –Chres motivated you

“You're doing good miss Yn please I promise you one more push . I can see the head already coming out . C'mon .. 3-2-1 Push” The nurse said

You screamed really loudly and pushed as hard as you can

Baby cries 

“Well done Miss Yn . Please say happy birthday to your baby GIRL “-The nurse said cleaning the baby

“Oh My God lord !”-Chres’ eyes lit up

 “Would you like to hold your daughter Mr. August ?”-The nurse asked

Chres- “Yes please”-Chres took the baby . “Omg . I'm finally holding my baby girl happy birthday baby girl . I love you soo much I have been waiting 9 good months just to see you're beautiful little , adorable & cute face . Daddy's little princess .  I love you soo much”-Chres sniffed and gave her to you

Yn- “Awwwwww Chres . You gone make me cry . Ohh lawd she's sooo small happy birthday babygirl and welcome “You wiped your tears

“Imma have to measure & weigh the baby Miss Yn . What are yall going to call her ?”-The nurse asked

“Sierra . We thought that it was a cute name”-Chres smiled 

 “Ooh okay well Hello little Sierra , I need to weigh you”-The nurse said

 “I'll be back in the morning to check back up on you , I need some rest “-Chres said

 “Okay bye baby”-You kissed Chres

“Bye babe”-Chres kissed back


Awwww that was cute asf 

Welcome to the world Sierra August 




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