Chapter 2: Knight in Need

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Chapter 2: Knight in need

Somewhere a mile off from a large aircraft hangar that was out of power, stood a damaged vehicle smoking away in the cold of the night. Two pulsating red lights flashed slowly on and off on the front of its grille, getting weaker and weaker as time went on. Michael ran towards the Mustang lying in the distance, scared as to wondering what had happened to it. He reached KITT at last, only to have a look of horror on his face as he saw the damage that had been done to him. It seemed as if there was only a slim possibility of reviving him now. "KITT, get everyone out of the SSC and get them over here. Now." "Right away Michael." The Trans Am activated Auto Cruise and drove towards Michael while calling the SSC to get out into the field as fast as possible. "KITT I need your grappling hook buddy, we gotta reel him into the garage real fast." KIT shot out a grappling hook from under the front of the car that attacked to the back of the Mustang. "Michael I can only drive slow enough to prevent further damage to him. His Molecular Bonded Shell is down right now." Michael nodded as he saw people running towards him with flashlights. "Guys! Over here! Could use a hand you know!" Mike was the first to get to Michael and see the wreckage being towed by KITT towards the facility. "Dad? What the hell? What happened?!" "Mike, look I'm sorry but if he hadn't intervened- ""Dad, look he's nearly gone!" "Yeah, well if that was my car being hit right now it would be blown to smithereens!"

There was a silence between Michael and Mike as everybody arrived, along with people to help the Mustang on its feet while being taken to the garage for examination. Charles was the first to realize the amount of damage that had been done to the car. "Goodness gracious! Michael, what happened?! KITT! Oh no!" KITT was still towing away the Mustang in the distance. "Billy, we need a team of scientists in there now! Sarah, go in there with him and make sure he's alright. Michael...we need to talk." "Sure thing hoss." Charles gave him a look, then walked back to the SSC. Devon and Michael followed suite. Mike was highly worried, though he had already spent a day with KITT, he still didn't know if he would be completely fine. At the SSC everyone stood for a bit, just doing their own thing while contemplating whatever had just happened. A scientist radioed in from the facility, and he explained that while some of the damage was repairable by KITT himself, they weren't sure how much they could repair at a given time. It might take at least a week to put him in good shape. Charles sighed. He had never though a day like this would come, not today at least.

The Mustang sat on a large platform, sitting in the large facility lifeless. But a team of scientists was scattering to and fro to get the car back together, hooking up a large wires to monitor its progress and taking apart some of its components and rebuilding them. Michael got flashbacks of when KITT sank into the acid pit several years ago and Bonnie and a team of scientist were doing the same thing to KITT to revive him. Thankfully they managed to revive him, he thought that was the last time they'd see him. Everyone waited for a few more minutes, watching the tv screen with people rushing in and out of the facility with broken parts and some with new parts. Then they turned off the TV screen and left to their own pods to go to sleep for the day. It had been an exhaustively long day no doubt, and everyone needed a little rest after witnessing what just happened. Everyone left to their own respective pods and fell asleep in their beds. Alex Torres slipped out of a corner and flipped out his cell phone. "Good job. Baron. We'll talk soon." He smiled, but was worried at the same time. He had never imagined a accident of this magnitude, but then again it's not like he really cared either. Most of the people couldn't sleep because they were all worried as to how the outcome of KITT would turn out. And if was repaired...would he still remain as the KITT they all knew?

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