Hiding Behind A Smile (girlxgirl)

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AN: this story will contain girls liking girls, so if you don't like it, don't read it! simple as that, enjoyyyyyyy :) 

Numbers. Too many numbers. I can't concentrate. This math test is making my head hurt. I have to finish, then I can sleep, just one more problem. Uhhh, 5. That seems like a reasonable answer. Slowly, I walk to the back of the class room and turn my test in. I return to my seat and get out a book. I'll at least make it looks like I'm working. I open it. Ahh! Too many words! Tired, tired, can't read. I can't even keep my eyes open. I'll just close them for a second. Just a couple seconds...

In the dream, I was running. I was running from something, or someone. Loud footsteps followed behind me. I was panting, tears were streaming down my face. Suddenly, a door appeared in front of me. When I was about to run through it, it slammed shut. I turned quickly and ran the other way.

Not my surroundings, but memories flew past me as I ran. An angry face, a cruel shouted word, a swing set, a guitar, a hand colliding with my face, a foot kicking me down the stairs. More bad memories than good. Then a cat ran in front of me. I tripped, and fell to the floor. Flipping over onto my back, I looked up into the eyes of my pursuer. Or should I say pursuers. My parents stood above me, hatred and choler in their eyes. They started yelling at me. Worthless, bitch, whore, fat, dumb ass, waste of space. So many hurtful words, things they've said so many times, so many times that I'm started to believe them.

I started crying, but with every tear I shed they grew bigger, and they're insults got worse. Then they were giants, 20 feet tall. My dad lifted up his foot and tried to step on me. But before he could, I was pushed out of the way. Josh, the one who saved me, started shaking me. “Teagan, Teagan wake up! Are you okay, wake up!”

I started to tell him that I obviously wasn't asleep, but he interrupted me. “Class is over, wake up!”

Class, what does he mean class? I shook my head and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

Then I opened my eyes. Someone is shaking my arm and talking to me. I blink a few times and shake my head. Now that I can see and hear clearly I notice that it's Josh standing next to my desk and telling me to wake up. The classroom is empty except for us and the teacher. I reach down to grab my backpack, but it's in Josh's hands. I sigh and stand up. That was one scary ass dream. I'm glad Josh woke me up, I think I would've died if he didn't.

Josh stood by the door on the other side of the classroom. “C'mon Teags, we're gonna be late to class if you don't hurry your butt up,” he says, exchanging butt for ass to keep it “school appropriate.”

As soon as we get away from the door, he starts to question me. “Teagan, sweetie,” he begins (he's not my boyfriend but he calls me sweetie all the time) “are you sure you're okay? That's the second time you've fallen asleep in class this week and the fifth time this month. I'm worried about you! You know you can't hide those cuts from me or fool me with your fake smiles; I can see the unshed tears in your tired eyes. Just tell me what's wrong, I can help. I'm here for you,” he finished and put his arm around my shoulder.

“I know, and I'm fine, really. Just lack of sleep and a few bad dreams that's all.” I add a fake smile to my lie, even though he can see right through it. We arrive at our next class right as the bell rings, and we take our seats on opposite sides of the room. I look up to find him staring at me with sad, worried eyes. He really does care. I show him a quick smile, and the teacher starts talking. And I flash back to last night.


I slowly left my room and walked up my stairs to get some food. I quietly tiptoed up the stairs and into my kitchen. Light, cabinet, granola bar. I turned around to head back downstairs with my snack. Parents. “Mom, Dad,” I whispered and tried to slip past them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2012 ⏰

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