i. DEAD POETS (primo)

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90s ferrari in the driveway / a metaphor for their minds / you've got sweat slick skin / you're melting all over those scorching seats — / — where henna leather grades into your honey-coloured limbs /

            he wants only you today / to sit beside him / not his dead poet boys / his fingers clench around the wheel / those knuckles have a pearly sheen to them / shift into first gear — /

first gear / his eyes stare at your legs propped on the dashboard / at bare skin, slender ankles / "you're a bramble rose — / you prick the sky till it's sanguine with blood — / — you paint the ferrari red" /

            you get aspirant hopes at his dusty voice / he reads too much, / he's got a voice like an antiquated paperback / but you'd better forget / oh, you'd better forget every time he's called you bramble rose /

'cause now you're drowning in the sky's blood /

shift into second gear / slow burning / there's static on the radio / a metaphor for your relationship with him and the other dead poets: /

            you're on a different frequency, / baby / you're dead inside compared to them — / — but they make you feel alive / alive /

now shift into third gear /

           sit on the hood, / you watch them gaze at the stars, / the stars watch you gaze at them / watch your affinity sublimate into consternation /

they've got poetry in their blood / you've got the iron of the hoi polloi / baby, you're too common for them / too insipid / your thoughts are distracted by the flick of his fingers on the clutch — /

— shifting into fourth gear / don't they make you feel alive? / these dead poets of the new age? / they make oxygen smell like gasoline / the sunshine smell like kerosine / fifth gear now / fifth gear now /

           but he skips to sixth / 250km/hr, no qualms, no fright, you're in safe hands / a synonym for unsafe / you're feeling alive / but at this rate they'll make you feel dead /

but you love them, / they love you / oh baby, wake up / wake up / it's not the same love — /

the ferrari sits in your driveway now /

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