Ten Questions

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*Zach's POV*
I caught Bree just as she was about to get on the bus.
"Bree!" I yell seconds after texting her, to make it seem as if she heard me. I drag her out of the line to get on the bus. "Where have you been?" I ask desperately.
"Slow down, Peterson! I can't read your lips when you talk that fast!" She smiles at me. I have heard that so many times before; I now understand it is just her way of saying shut up.        
"It's just, I didn't see you after school yesterday..." I felt myself blush as I recalled the 'library incident'. "You know..I usually see you at the bus stop." I tell her.
"Oh." She replied with the simplest word, but it sounded complicated. "I had an appointment with my doctor." She explained, as if she were hiding something.I felt nervous and excited at the same time. We stood there for a while in awkward silence. She broke first. "I saw a flier in the hall that said there was a residential trip coming up...Something about a camp in the woods?" I nodded. She blushed. "Are you going?" I asked. She looked down at her phone. I got a text.          "I'm tired of talking. Text me." I laughed and shook my head. I started texting back. 'Fine. But only because you're deaf.' I look up at her and smirk. She has the cutest angry face. 'Are you going?' I text. She took ages to reply so I over exaggerated by looking at my watch and tapping my foot. About five minutes later I get a text back
'Depends on if you're going or not☺️' I smile at her then type
'I am.😉' I blush as I think that she wants to go with me...until I get a text. 'Then I'm not😂' I give her an evil look until she gives in. " Fine, I'll go with you!" She says, "but only if you help me keep a secret." I looked into her eyes. "You know, you already told me you're deaf, right?" I smile. She giggles at my remark and shakes her head slowly. "Not that," she said "I have to get going, can you drop me off?" She points at the bus stop and I see the bus has left. I nod at her and take out my car keys. I headed over to my car while she got something out her bag. Next thing I know, I'm hit in the back of the head by a ping pong ball. Ow! Why is this even in her bag? I turn around just in time to hear her yell.
"Three points for me!" I walk up to her slowly with a mischievous smile. "You're gonna get it!"

*Bree's POV*
I finally got my third point by throwing a ping pong ball at his head. I know what you're thinking 'why is there a freaking ping pong ball in your bag?' Well, there is a ping pong ball in my bag because I always go to the park after school and at the park there is a ping pong table. So I bring the ping pong ball and the bat-thingy with me. After the ball hit his head, Peterson chased me around the parking lot until he finally caught me and tackled me to the floor. He pinned my arms back and hovered over me.
"Fine...fine you win!" I surrender.
"One point to me?" He asked with hope in his, gorgeous brown eyes. Wait what am I thinking! Seriously, gorgeous? "Yes, one point to you!" I admitted. He planted a kissing my forehead before letting me go.
**********In the car**********
"Let's play a game." I suggest.
"What game is it?" I lip read Peterson's lips. I think for a while. I want to get to know him better so I say we should play twenty questions. He makes a face. "You ask me ten questions and I answer honestly and I ask you ten and you answer honestly. Deal?" He nodded. Great.
"Me first," I say "1)What is your middle name?"
"2) What is your favourite colour?"
"I like the colour blue." He looks at my eyes for a second before turning back to drive.
"3) How many girlfriends have you had?" He considers.
"Technically...none." He blushes.
"How is that possible I see you making out with a different girl everyday.. Oh I get it now, Mr. Player." He laughs
"Next question."
"Question 4) Where the hell are you taking me?" I say as I see him drive past my street.
"It's a surprise!" He laughs.
"Fine, question 5) How did you get my phone number?"
"I asked the school...and by ask I mean I got one of the nerds to hack the school computer system."
"Stalker!" I giggle. He punches my shoulder playfully."Question 6) What is your favourite song and who by?"
"Favourite song- Man that can't be moved. By that band with that man."
"Wow...You really know your song artists now don't you?"
"Yeah, " he laughed " but why did you ask me that. It's not like you can hear it or anything." I smiled at him then turned on the radio in his car. "Is it on here?" I asked. He flicked through the stations then nodded. I felt the speaker and nodded my head to the beat I felt. Peterson looked absolutely speechless. "You don't have to hear it to feel the beat." I stated. "Question 7) Are you really a bad boy? Because  I think you are a gentleman." I giggled.
"You bring out the best in me." He smiled.
"Question 8) How long have you lived here?"
"My whole life."
"Question 9) Do you have a crush on anyone?"
"Yes." He blushed.
"You know you're cute when you blush." His cheeks went a whole shade of red darker."Last question) Who do you have a crush on?"
"We're here!" He said as the car engine stopped rattling. He got out of the drivers door and into the boot. He came back wearing swimming trunks.
"Umm...Peterson where are we?" I get out the car and look around. I see pine trees everywhere and off in the distance I see a lake. Are we swimming in the lake?
"Go change." Zach signs.
"Into what?" I say. He points to the boot of his black mustang. I go to it and find a white swimming costume that has a long sleeve on one arm and no sleeve on the other. I sigh and motion for Zach to look away from the car. "No peaking!" I yell when he covers his eyes. After struggling to do up the clips on the back I call for Zach to help
"Peterson...I need help!" I think I yelled. A few moments later he appeared out from the trees. He came up to me and pulled me into his chest as he hooked the clips together. He pecked my cheek and signed to me "Race you to the lake" and then I yelled "Go!" I got to the lake but stopped when I saw the magnificent waterfall.

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