"I didn't know you-"

"I've felt like I'm not even your husband anymore! That I mean absolutely nothing to you because you won't even touch me in bed, you haven't kissed me in almost a week. Have you ever considered how any of that makes me feel?" Tears began to pool at the rim of my eyes, and I took a deep breath. I had no idea he felt any of that.

"We're losing our intimacy Anastasia, and it's not helping our marriage in any way." His voice became softer. I knew that I had been very sharp with him these past few days.

"I didn't know that you felt that way Nick. I...I'm sorry."

"Your apology is accepted. Now, we should probably get going before everyone wonders why we're so late." He growled, grabbing his suitcase and letting me out the door first so he could lock it behind us.

Almost an hour later, we finally made it to the campsite. The kids excitedly jumped out of the car and ran to their cousins, Demi and Dani coming over to greet me. I put on a fake smile and hugged them. The three of us began to get food ready, as the guys set up the tents and a place for the fire. Nick and I were sharing a tent with our kids, and the other kids all had their own.

"Daddy!" Piper's high pitched scream rang in the clearing and Nick ran to where she was by Luke and Joe's kids. I went over there, putting down was I was doing, frantically looking at the situation. Piper's foot was stuck under a rock. The five year old cried in pain as Nick rolled it off her, picking her up in his arms. Isabella, and Ryder, Joe and Demi's kids, clapped as he looked like a hero to them. Piper threw her arms around his neck in a hug, and I breathed in relief that my baby girl was okay.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Luke said to me, raising his arms so I could pick him up. I put him on my hip, walking over to the picnic tables as the other kids fawned over Nick. I rolled my eyes, setting my son at the table. I got him a plate and put food on it, putting it in front of him.

"What is up with you and Nick?" Demi asked me, getting her air mattress in her tent. I went over by her, and she put her hands on her hips. I sighed.

"We just...we're going through a rough patch right now, but it's being worked out. Trust me on that." I hugged Demi to assure her and she smiled in approval.

That night, we were all by the campfire. To my dismay, I had to pee. I got up from where I was sitting and Piper asked where I was going.

"Mommy's gotta go potty." I told her quietly as everyone else had their own conversations. She cocked her head to the side and she followed me into the woods. I guess this was my bathroom since we were in the middle of nowhere. Literally. Luckily, we had packed a few rolls of toilet paper.

When I was done, I thought to myself that that was the most uncomfortable thing ever. I hated it. Piper turned around when I told her she could, and then she had to pee. Great. I helped her best I could, and when she was finished, we headed back to the campfire.

"Everything okay?" Nick asked in my ear, pulling myself closer to him on the log. I gave him a nod and put my head on his shoulder, listening to Joe talk about how Demi had gave him a near heart attack yesterday. It was quite amusing. The kids were put to bed a little bit later, and the adults were still sitting around the fire.

My husband opened up a can of beer, and I was kind of surprised. He didn't drink very often. He took a drink, and then I took one after him, his eyes widening. I wasn't much for drinking beer, but I would every once in awhile. Everyone else had opened alcohol to drink, except for Kevin and Dani. Two beers later, and I could feel myself starting to get buzzed. Nick had his arm tightly around me, finishing off the third beer.

"We're gonna head to the tent. Night guys." Nick's oldest brother got up with his wife and they went to their tent with the aid of a phone flashlight. Joe and Demi were already drunk, I could easily tell, and they were just rambling to one another. I looked over to Nick who was gazing into the fire. I put my chin on his shoulder so my mouth was close to his ear.

"You good?" I questioned, and he turned his head to look at me. My husband nodded to me, and I didn't mean to necessarily, but our lips collided when he turned his head all the way. It was the first time we've kissed in awhile. Joe and Demi stopped what they were doing, and just looked at us with wide eyes. I think it was safe to say that we all had a good amount of alcohol tonight. When Joe whispered something in her ear, she giggled, and they went to their tent, leaving Nick and I at the fire.

When Ana and I kissed, I knew that she didn't mean it. It just happened on accident, which saddened me. I wanted it to be real. She hasn't kissed me in a little over a week, and it's starting to kill me slowly. Isn't marriage always supposed to have some sort of intimacy? Ours wasn't, that's for sure.

I could see that my wife was getting drunk, and I was buzzed, but not too bad. Ana told me to look at her, so I did. Her lips crashed on mine hard, and she pulled me closer to her so there was no space left between us. I had no idea where this was coming from. It had to be the alcohol talking. I didn't care. I brought my hands up to cup her face, and I pushed her hair behind her ears, her tongue sliding along my lip.

"We should go in the tent," She giggled, and began to pull my hand. As much as I wanted to, the kids were in there. No way. I shook my head at her, biting my bottom lip.

"We can be really quiet Nick." Ana pouted at me, still standing with my hand in hers. I really did not want to risk it.

"I think we should just go to bed for tonight." I told her, standing up off the log and following her into the tent. We bought one that had to rooms. They were split equally, and there was a zipper door between them. Piper and Luke had an air mattress, and so did Ana and I. As we laid down, I felt the mattress decompress a little bit underneath us. I pulled the blanket over the both of us, and my wife curled up close to me, closing her eyes. I gazed down at her.

I thought to myself,

I never would give her up for anything in the world. I love her too much.

A/N: So, this is the only the first chapter so bare with me. I know it isn't the greatest, but I tried. I'll try my best to make them better throughout, I promise! I would love some feedback and votes though! Thanks so much for reading :)

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