Big Trouble

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Miranda's pov

I feel horrible for what I just did. How the hell am I gonna tell Jason?

Jason's pov

I feel horrible about last night! How on earth am I gonna tell Miranda?! I worriedly pace the living room when the front door opened and her and Sierra walked in. She looks worried too. "Did everything work out with Brittany?" "Y-Yeah. You okay?" "Just nervous. She's not gonna try to take Sierra from us, is she?" "No. She just has visitation rights." Man this is hard. What she doesn't know is killing me.

Miranda's pov

I have to tell him what happened between me and Murr. It's going to be difficult. He tells Sierra to go to her room. I breathe a sigh of relief. Us alone together. "We need to talk." We both say at the same time. We look at each other surprised. "You first." We both say at the same time again. I laugh. "No you Jay." He swallows nervously. "Ok but you're not gonna like it." He says, worrying me. Is it about losing Sierra?! "I.... I didn't mean to but..... I slept with Brittany last night." My eyes go wide. "Y-You did?"

Jason's pov

I'm terrified. What's she gonna say? "I-I..... I accidentally slept with Murr last night!" My eyes go wide. "Wait! What?" "What's gonna happen now?" She looks like she's about to cry. It's alright though! We both fucked up! "It's okay then!" "What?" "We both messed up! We're even!"

Miranda's pov

That's not it. Last night with Murr was one of the most magical nights of my life. I'm so confused now! I don't know what to do!!! He looks at me worried. "Are you okay?" "I'm.... Not sure." I shakily say. My phone buzzes. I glance down and gasp in surprise. Murr. "What's wrong?" Jason asks. "N-Nothing." "It wasn't nothing! What was it?" Murr texted me but I can't tell him that.

M: meet me at my house please. We have to talk.

I don't reply.

Q's pov

Murr comes over, looking torn up. "What happened to you?" I ask. He covers his eyes with his hands. "I finally told Miranda I loved her." My eyes go wide. "What happened?" "That's not all man." I'm confused. He looks up at me distressed. "We made love." My jaw drops and the front door slams open, an enraged cowboy standing there. "You..... You're dead!" He growls. Oh shit! Murr stands up, shaking. I text Joe and Sal to get over here. We're gonna need some help. "Oh man, I've gotta do something." I whisper worried.

Murr's pov

"You bastard!" He growls. I'm so screwed. I back up against the wall, fearfully. "Wait. It was an accident. I didn't mean to-" "You slept with my wife and now she loves you!" My eyes go wide. "What?" Sal and Joe get here. "What's going on here?" Sal asks. "This shithead slept with my wife!" Jason yells pointing at me. The guys store at me shocked. "Whoa! Congrats man!" Sal says surprised. He's shocked I finally made a move on her. He spins around. "What the fuck?" He gapes. "Oops uh sorry man, no offense to you or nothin' but Murr's one of my best friends and he's loved that girl since they met." Sal says, running a hand through his hair. "They make a cute couple." Joe adds, smiling. Those guys always have my back. I'm so into the moment I don't realize Jason grabs my shirt, shoving me to the ground. "You're dead punk!" "Leave him alone!" Joe shouts. He was about to punch me in the face but Sal grabbed his arms and shoved him off me.

Jason's pov

I hate them. I hate them all. More than life itself. Joe lowers his phone. Oh crap. Who'd he call?! A few minutes later the cops showed up! Shit! I'm in hot water now. I stand up and let go of him.

Murr's pov

Is it bad that I have a little satisfaction seeing him hauled off to jail? "This isn't over asshole." He growls. "Now what?" I ask worriedly after he's dragged out. "Go get that girl of yours." I take off running out the door and drive to her house. She was crying on the front porch. She looked up and her eyes went wide. "What's gonna happen to Jason?" I shrug not having a clue and personally not caring as I stepped onto the porch. I grabbed her hands and kissed her again.

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