Chapter 12: Oh no

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         I gripped his hand tight, not minding the scorching heat I felt from him because of the need to do something. The heat coming from him was absurd, I've felt people who had high fevers but those heat from them were nothing compared to what was coming from him.

        "Leirum! Calm down!" I yelled, tears finally streaming down my face as I feared for the worst. What was happening? I don't understand. Why is he like this? Is it because of Lydia's attack earlier that he got from saving me?

        His eyes opened and rolled back in his head as he gasped for air like he was having a problem with breathing and he arched his back, successfully scaring the hell out of me.

      The chains were threatening to break, adding more fear in me than what I was already feeling that it was hard to breath normally. The chains were thick and large, almost impossible to break but knowing that this guy was a person not to be underestimated, it's not impossible for him.

       "You arrogant bastard! What is wrong with you?!" I cried while I hugged him, cradling his head in my arms and shouting desperately and cursing him at the same time when I no longer could hold the anxiety and fear in me.

        The chain on his left arm broke and I hugged him tighter, as I cried harder. He was shaking so violently as his free arm gripped my hand tightly that it hurt and would undoubtly leave a bruise on my skin.

       But I didn't let go as I refused to let him go though. I felt like bursting as I watched his agony silently, a lump of fear lodged in my throat.

       "Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" He shouted loudly for the nth time as sobs escaped my lips.

       "Leirum... you jerk. Please don't scare me. Wake up already. You're making me cry jerk." I begged him as tears fell down to his face.

        "Please calm down, please come back. Please... Please." I cried, crying so hard like I hadn't cried since forever as I sobbed while hugging him tightly.

         I heard no response but I suddenly felt his shaking becoming weaker and his thrashing stopping. He stopped screaming but his breathing was rugged and he was grunting painfully.

        "Wake up." I whispered once more to him.

         This jerk. Why is he so troublesome? Yeah, I hate him and I wanted the worst for him as I cursed him every time for annoying me but seeing him like this now, I don't want it at all.

        I never imagined myself watching someone suffer before me and I swear it was one of the most unpleasant feelings that ever existed.

       "S-stupid witch, let me go. You're ch-choking me." I heard a hoarse voice gasp out.

        I raised my head and stared at his face, his eyes slowly fluttering open as he looked up at me, a glare in his eyes.

        I immediately let him go and knelt down at his side, not minding his curse when his head hit the ground.

       "You! What did you do that for?!" He angrily spat at me. Anger lacing his tone but I just glared at him.

       I suddenly huffed and began hitting his chest as tears kept falling down.

      "You good-for-nothing bastard!" I yelled through gritted teeth and punched him on the chest.

      "H-hey! Stop that! Owwww!" I ignored his pained and angry yells as I hit him again and again.

      "You jerk, useless piece of sh*t. Fvck you! Damn you!" I screamed at him as I resumed hitting him.

      "You!" He caught my wrists as he sat up and glowered at me while I kept my head down.

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