Hope for this Place

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"Are you sure this will work Lane?"

"Chill Aura, of course it will work."

I,a sad and alone little 11 year old, personally look up to lane. When my town of Sleppying Medow was bombed,he came to help. Lane rescued 56 people,but only 13 survived. The others turned on us for our help and left with all our supplies. I stayed with Lane though. The others said he was a bad man and would do bad thing to me but, I didn't listen to their BS lies. Lane is 15 and strong,kind,and handsome

"Shoot Aura,they are on to us run!"Lane screamed to me. I ran on my little legs as fast as I could. Lane could easily out run me but he stayed behind. How sweet. I suddenly hear his loud and tremendous scream. He got a bullet to the back. I stop and turn around.

"Aura,run leave me. Jut remember this,they are evil people. Look at what they have done to me and your family. They will tyr to bribe you but don't you dare take it. Okay?" Their footsteps are louder and faster in our direction.

"I promise Lane. I love you." With that I kiss his head with a tear streaking down my face and run of to our cave. I sit there and cry and cry and cry. What a baby I was.

I came out of our cave two days later and looked around for Lane and supplies. I stop dead in my tracks. I run ove to they body hopeful that it's not Lane. I turn it over. I cry and cry. There were stabs and bullets lining the back. Up and down and all over again.

In my hands lied Lanes dead body.

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