Chapter 8 | Bran 2

Start from the beginning

"Meeeeeeraaaaaa." I whine. "Come ooooooonnnnnn."

"Alright, alright, alright." She grumbles as she lifts her head. She rolls out under the pelts and lands on the wooden floor with a humpf.

She lazily gets up and looks over to me to see me chuckling about her way of getting up. Her cheeks get a little more red, more than just from the cold. "I'll go get one of the guards to help you take a bath, you stink." She snaps, raising her nose and walking out the door.

I chuckle as I know she gets snappy when she's embarassed. She is cute though, when she's sleepy.

While I'm lost in thoughts I hear the door open. I look up and see the same large guard who brought us to our chambers last night.

"Would you like me to fill you a bath, my Lord?" He asks. I nod and the man walks off to a chamber attached to the one I'm in right now. He walks through the room again, this time holding a large bucket and walks out. A while later he comes back with steaming water coming from the bucket. I hear the splashing of water falling into the bath, the man comes out and brings me to the bathing room.

After a long time spent scrubbing the dirt of off my skin and out of my hair, I'm back in my clothes and extra pelts we received against the cold. The man carries me down towards what I hope will be the dining room.

We come into a room, filled with tables and wooden benches, one table higher than the others. It looks nearly exactly the same as the dining room we had in Winterfell.

The room is filled with men, but at the higher table there is one that eats like he hasn't eaten in years. Thinking about that, where is Meera?

We ascend the higher table and everyone looks up. Then I see her, clean, for the first time since I met her. And she looks so beautiful. And apparently she was the one eating so vulgar.

The guard sets me down next to her, and walks off. I stop staring at Meera to look ahead, only to see every head turned towards me and silence quickly fills the room.

Eddison Tollet stands. "This afternoon, we have two special guests in our midst. Meera Reed and Brandon Stark." I hear multiple gasps when Edd says my name. Must be the Stark name, for they all knew my half-brother. "They will ride towards Winterfell after the meal and need some guards to protect them. Any volunteers?" Three men stand up, then more and more following untill nearly all of them are standing. "Right. Denner, Erik and Roan, you'll guard them on their way." Edd points out the first three that stood up.

Eddison turns to us. "You'll have to share you horse you came with, for our numbers in horses and men are very slim after the battle."

We nod and thank him, understanding how hard it is for them allready.

I eat whatever it is I'm eating, but it's so much better than the mosses and bark we had to eat when we were at the cave of the three-eyed raven. So I'm finished within notime.

I look next to me to see Meera trying to bite every last bit of meat off of the bone, even though it is clear there is nothing left.

"You prepared to leave, m'boy?" Edd asks standing up and ordering the same guard as before, to pick me up.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I say as I'm being carried, following Edd and Meera behind us, still trying to get something off of the bone.

We stop at the stables, where we meet the ones that are to guard us on our way towards Winterfell. The horse we have been riding was prepared and saddled with furs. I was placed in the front and Meera gets on a minute later, dropping the bone at the ground. The guards get up their horses and move forwards, one in front and one at each side of us.

The ride south takes shorter than I expected, but then again, the only other trip I made from Winterfell to the wall was on foot and avoiding the Kingsroad.

The sun starts to set, colouring the sky in the most beautiful colours. It's something I haven't seen in a while, for I was either in the cave or asleep.

"Bran," Meera whispers from behind me. "Look!" She points somewhere ahead of us. Winterfell. My home. Stark banners covering the outer walls of the village. A smile makes its way to my face.

As we ascend the gates of Winterfell a guard runs down to the gates. "Who asks permission to Winterfell, home of the Starks?" He yells.

I ride forward, stopping my horse not too far from the guard and say, "My name is Brandon Stark."

The guard's eyes widen at my name and yells to the gatekeepers to open the gate. As it rises, the guard also calls for a maiden to tell lord and lady Stark of my arrival.

As the gate is high enough we start riding inside. Roan, one of the guards Edd sent with us, helps me off the horse after Meera descended. Then he keeps holding me, waiting for my siblings to arrive.

We do not have to wait long, for Jon comes running towards us closely followed by Sansa, who I barely would've recognised if not for the red hair. When in front of us, Jon slows his pace. "Bran? Is it really you?" He asks, as his eyes start to water. I nod and he reaches over to take me over from Roan. As he holds me I hug him back and soon feel another pair of arms hugging me from the back.

"Bran..." I hear Sansa croak from behind me, as her voice breaks from emotion. Then she slowly releases me and walks inside, Jon, the guards from the Night's Watch and Meera follow her.

Once inside we reach a room which I recognise as my father's old study. There are four chairs in a circle and Jon sits me in one of them and then quickly sits in chair next to it. Sansa in the one on the other side of me, grabbing my hand. Meera sits directly across from me and the three other guards stand.

"So I know you have a million questions for me as well as I do for you, but let me first give you a quick summary of what has happened the last few years." I say and my siblings nod.

So I start telling them what happened since they'd left Winterfell, how I had the same nightmares every night, how we were driven out of Winterfell, how we met Meera and Jojen.

They both look at Meera when I tell them about our meeting and scan her as if trying to see if she was to be trusted. I see how unconfortable it makes Meera, so I quickly continue.

"So then Jojen told me what the nightmares meant. And how they were there to help us get to the three-eyed raven, the one from my dreams. He told me of my gift." I tell them and they look confused.

"Your gift?" Sansa asks. "What do you mean?"

"I can see everything, through everyone's eyes. Future, present and past." I say with a serious face.



I know, long ass chapter. But with a very small amount of fluff and some funny parts. Also it is seriously so hard to write in Bran's perspective because, for one he is cripple and he is waaaay younger than in the show so it would be weird if I wrote a lot of Breera fluff.

Also school is killing me already especially this one teacher from Cultural Education. I mean seriously I've had 2 classes from her now, and the first one wasn't too bad since my friend and I sat in the back. But the second.... oh my god, I swear. I said one thing (ONE THING!!!) to my friend and all of a sudden she starts giving me an entire fucking speech of how I annoyed her because I was talking and with that interrupting her class. Then she made us watch a video of shakespeare and shit and then made me tell a summary of what we'd just watched. Then she got mad at me because I didn't write down the homework for next week, which I did on purpose because my agenda is my phone and she takes your phone if you take it out. And at the end she made me read Romeo and Juliet in Old-English. Stupid wench.

Sorry had to get that out 😅

And I saw many people only started school yesterday. Well, not me... I started three weeks ago... stupid Netherlands...

Anyhow, don't forget to leave comments or a vote.

And I'll see you in the next chapter!
With love,

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