David and Cecelia: Forbidden Love

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Chapter two:

Me being me, I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep Sunday night. Starting a new job, in a new state with all new people peaked my anxiety.

I was satisfied with the attire. Black jeans, black shirt, turquoise apron. I took one last look in the mirror and mouthed "here we go."

I met Jeannie who would be training me. She was nice enough, listened to and answered my questions and didn't expect much out of me on my first day. Landing the manager's position, I thought for sure I'd have immediate enemies but everyone was so kind, so care free, so "California."

The coffee house, simply called "Ron's" was a chill environment and I knew I was going to fit in fine. Jeannie and I sat outside after our shift and chatted for a bit. I divulged some of my story but not all of it just yet. She was born and raised just outside of Los Angeles and offered to show me around. We talked about Mel and her career and I told her if she scores any deals for kick ass shows, she's in.

I nonchalantly brought up the idea of any "famous people" that frequent Ron's. She said that there was a handful that were regulars, ranging from Bruce Willis to Winona Ryder to Brandon Boyd. Hmm, now is my chance.

"What about Dave Grohl, he lives near here, right?" Jeannie replies, "he's here a few times a month, picks up and jets out. Doesn't really hang out but he's totally sweet." My heart rate increases. "I've heard that about him, that he's a nice guy, friendly."

She eyes me and says "I thought I'd be asking you about him, seeing you have a Foo Fighters sticker on your car." I could feel the blood rush to my face. "Aww don't worry about it, being born and raised here, I don't get star struck that easy, but when he comes in you're waiting on him, just so I could see your face!"
"That obvious huh." I said with a slight embarrassed tone.
"Just a little." Jeannie shot back with a wink and a nudge.

I arrived home and couldn't wait to tell Mel about Dave and his random visits to the coffee house. I could tell by her reaction that she knew something.

"You knew didn't you?" I pried her for answers.

"Listen, my best friend leaves some asshole, makes her way to California, I'm determined to make sure you cross paths with this guy at least once in your life. It's been how many years that you've been obsessing!"

We both laugh but quietly in my own mind, I know I'm going to be nervous every single time I hear the chimes when the coffee house door opens.

It was now day 67 and still no sign of Mr. Grohl. For someone with a supposed coffee addiction he sure hasn't been around here for ours. Damn Starbucks, I shake my head.

James tried contacting me only once but his attack on Mel via social media only proved why I left and why I think of social media as a double edged sword. He's since been "blocked" and threatened with police intervention if he attempts to contact me again.

I really have grown accustomed to the beautiful California weather. Every single day is a new breath of fresh air. The mountains that serve as a background to Ron's, I found myself getting lost in their serenity almost daily.

I honestly felt good, looked like myself again. The beauty that I was complimented on seemed to have left my face during the last year and a half with James. The encouraging thing, I can finally see it returning. I've been asked out twice so far but politely declined, I wasn't ready. Mel found it crazy that one of my suitors was one of L.A.'s more prominent attorney's but completely not my type.

After my 15 minute break, I made a pit stop in the restroom to freshen up and finish out my last 4 hours and close.

The flow of patrons was steady today. We seemed to do well on Saturday evenings. It's been discussed with Ron about bringing in various poets or acoustic guitar players to increase the flow during the week, something I whole heartedly supported.

The last hour seemed to be an eternity. I let Candice, another server, check out early. I turned up the radio and began cleaning up to get a head start on my own exit.

I walked towards the back to start cashing out my drawer when I heard the infamous chimes letting me know a customer awaited my service. I glanced at the clock, 8:47p, disgusted, I let out a "really, we close in like 10 minutes. I'll be right there."

The response back was a very enthusiastic "okay!" I washed my hands and made my way to the front. "How can I help you?" I glance up to be met by the kindest, sexiest, most intriguing eyes I ever gazed into. The world stopped. He held my stare followed by a throat clearing and then "um, I'll take a large dark roast, 2 sugars, easy on the cream."

I stood there motionless. His phone pinged and snapped me out of my trance. I walked away towards the machines to start making his coffee. I held onto the counter to steady myself. Oh shit, what roast did he say he wanted?? "I'm really sorry, what roast did you want?"

"Dark roast, 2 sugars, easy cream." He replied back with a smirk. "Okay, one second please." I made me way back to the machines and finished his order. I walked up to the front, attempting to enter it into the computer, my hands shaking. "That'll be $3.77." He swipes his card. I hand him his coffee and he lets out a "thanks" followed by a funny glare at my blouse. "Your name? You're not wearing a name tag."

"Oh, Cecelia, my name is Cecelia." He puts his coffee down and extends a hand, "Dave, it's a pleasure to meet you." I take his hand. "Likewise." Again we hold each other's stare. He raises his eyebrows and lets go of my hand. "Well, I frequent here often Cecelia, so you remember that order because I want you to be the one making it." I smile at him and reply "oh, I'll remember it."

He picks up his coffee, his keys and makes his way towards the door, "have a good one Cecelia."

"You as well Dave."

Just like that he was gone.

I walk to the front door to lock it and see the dim brake lights make their way towards the Valley.


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