The specials

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Katrina narrowed her eyes. She was looking for talent. Her phone buzzed. Ichabod probably forgot she was looking. She looked at her phone. Nope it was Aureilius. She let it ring.

Then out of the blue she saw it. The thing she needed. She sniffed letting the scent resonate in her head. She kept the scent in her head as she swam home through the swamp.

Chapter 1

"Hey Jane." Jane's best friend, Annabelle said. "Hey A" Jane said. Jane is the one. She sees and hears us our thoughts. Someone was talking about her. "J. Jane." Annabelle said. "Tell Mr. Abernathy I went home. I don't feel so good." Jane said.

Jane walked through the door. Her mom was having tea with Jekyll's Keep's best doctor, Dr. Katrina Crane. "Hi, mom." Jane said. "Hi honey" her mom knew that sometimes she felt sick at school. "Your mother was telling about your uh ill flashes." Katrina was right to the point. "Uh yeah sometimes I feel like...." She said. "Like a fish out of water. You need a few weeks in the swamps." Katrina said. Jane stared jaw dropped at her mom. "For the next three weeks you will be living with my family." Katrina said. "Mom!" Jane said. "Do as she says." Her mom said. Jane was in disbelief as she packed her clothes. " Let's go." Katrina said kindly.

"How the hell am I going to cross the swamp?" Jane asked. "Get on." Katrina said crouching. "You've got to be kidding me." Jane said. "fine walk. I'll take you stuff to the house." Katrina said. "Fine" jane said exasperated.

Jane was not happy not happy at all. Katrina said she took her through the driest part of the swamps but Jane still got soaked. "Why the hell do you live in a swamp?" Jane demanded. " It's secluded and quiet and my mom's recipe for swamp rat soup is amazing." Katrina liked to focus on the good things.

"Gee I need ya kid." A singer Jane didn't recognize sang. "I always knew you did but why can't you behave?" another singer Jane didn't know finished the song. "Finally, Eric you need to stop playing musicals all the time. Kiss Me Kate is getting old fast." A female said. "Katrina said someone was coming. I thought I'd broaden their horizons, Christine." Eric said. "Quit fighting you two. Katrina's home." Ichabod, Katrina's drop dead gorgeous husband, said. Jane heard the light tread of footsteps. "Maybe it's time Eric went hunting." A British accent wafted toward Jane. Katrina and Jane went through the door.

"Thanks Vincent." Katrina said. Jane thought omg Vincent is hot. "who's that?" a kinda cute in a nerdy way guy said. "Zack this is Jane. Jane this is Zack. Over there near the CD player is Eric and the one sulking in the corner is Christine." Katrina said. A short girl ran no more like danced down the steps "hi I'm Haily." Haily stood near Eric and Christine went to sit near Zack. "Why am I always the odd man out?" Vincent said.

"Gee let me think because you're a dork." Christine said. "And you're any better." Haily said. I had a feeling Haily and Vincent were siblings. "Quit fighting. Now Jane will be staying with us for a little while. Haily will you show her where her room is?" Katrina pleaded with her eyes. "Fine follow me." Haily said.

Haily led her up the tall ornate staircases that had revealed her true nature. Jane was certain Haily had to be related to a supermodel. No other explanation for her breath taking beauty. "Sorry but your room is at the top. " Haily said in a voice with perfect diction. "That's okay if I don't get sick." Jane said.

There was something odd about Jane and Vincent was determined to find out. Then he would tell his master and gain the recognition he deserved. A very small part of him didn't want to hurt Jane or Katrina who had given Vincent a second chance. "Dwelling again Vin." Arielous, Katrina's half sister and Aureilius' mate, said. "No just thinking." Vincent said. "That Jane sure is special. She must be a Cahalluh." She said. "That what I thought, a Lahalluh." Vincent said.

"Don't be stupid. You of all people know she will be a vampire." she said. "I know she will choose what's right." Vincent said. Only Arielous knew his full powers. Vincent was unique like Jane and Katrina. He could see the future and manipulate people. Usually a Cahalluh only had one gift. "Lahalluh sounds weak. Jane isn't. I can see that." she said. Arielous could judge people based on their character.

"Vin is someone there?" Katrina said. "No, mom." he said. Everyone called Katrina mom. She was their coven leader. Like Oblivitus Katrina held absolute power. Sh!t. Speak of the devil. "Katrina we're under attack." Vincent said.

Do you think Vincent should fall for Jane tell me.

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