Chapter 1 - First Day

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Same old. Same old. School is exactly the same everywhere you go; I gave up hoping the next one would be different a long time ago. We never stay in one place for too long so there’s really no point trying to make friends and I just ignore anyone who tries. I get labeled as a ‘loner’ but I don’t care, at least that makes people stay away.

Being ‘the new kid’ seriously starts to get old after the first 5 times. Everyone stares at you like you are a piece of meat, sizing you up and wondering where you fit in, but that’s just it; I don’t fit in and I don’t want to anyway. So as I walk down the corridor to my locker I just keep repeating my mantra over and over in my head:

Hood up, head down and blend in.

Keep your head down and blend in.

Keep your head down and blend in.

Keep your head down and…. Oomph!

I started to fall to the floor, when two hands reached out and grabbed my shoulders to steady me before the floor had an unfortunate meeting with my ass.

I have to make conversation now, shit! “Shit, sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going but I have to be going now.” I said, before starting to walk away without even looking up to acknowledge who I had bumped into.

“Hey you’re the new girl right?” Said a seriously sexy voice from behind me. And yes even though I’m a self confessed loner, I’m still a girl who appreciates the opposite sex.

I sigh in resignation. I guess I have to talk to him. He did stop me from falling flat on my ass so I don’t want to seem too ungrateful.   

I turn around to face the mystery guy and find myself looking up into the most gorgeous deep blue eyes I have ever seen. And paired with that chiseled jaw, longish dark brown hair and perfectly sculpted abs which could clearly be seen through the amazingly fitted v neck, button up shirt.

He cleared his throat, “You know you could just take a picture; it lasts longer.”

I look up, expecting to find a self satisfied smirk painted on his dangerously beautiful face, and I am not disappointed.

Great! Another self-obsessed jock, figures.

“No thanks im good, but thanks for the offer anyway.” I gave him a sarcastic smile and walked away.

I could hear him run after me so it wasn’t really a surprise when he grabbed my arm and spun me around again.

“Aren’t you even going to tell me your name?” He asked

“I really would prefer not to.” And started to turn away, again, but he just walked in front of me.

“Oh come on, I’m Noah and I need to be able to put a name to that gorgeous face of yours” and flashed a smile that im sure would have regular girls melting at his feet, but im not your regular girl.

I snorted. Smooth. I wonder how many girls you have used that line on.

“Fine, if you must know, my name is Mya and I really need to go now, so goodbye... Noah.” And turned my back for the last time.

“See you later Mya!” he called out behind me.

Crap. Now people are staring at me.  

And they were. Some were outright staring, while some were trying to inconspicuously get a look at the new kid who was interesting enough to catch the attention of Mr. Hottie, who, at an educated guess, was probably the quarterback, dating the head cheerleader and the most popular guy at school. I now im being really seriously stereotypical, but when you have been to as many school as I have you learn that there is in fact a lot of truth behind the stereotypes you see in the movies.

Well so much for keeping my head down, a whole lot of good that did me!

Keeping a low profile was definitely not in the near future for me, judging by the way everyone was staring at me.

Of course they couldnt tell who or what I was, to them I was just the new kid, although there was no point in me trying to ignore the strong scent of wolf that followed me through the corridors, or rather one particular wolf that sent tingles up my spine, and even I knew what that feeling entailed.

Damn it! Why must this be happening to me? I don't want a mate, not now not ever! So why can't I stop thinking about that gorgeous face, and those eyes.....

"No! Snap out of it Mya, just ignore the problem and it will go away." I whispered under my breath.

Well it has worked for me in the past, so why stop now? Besides he might not even be my mate I'm probably just over-analysing things. Just because I thought he was hot does not mean he's my mate. Yeah thats it, thats all it was. 

Once I had been to my locker, I made my way to homeroom, to start what was sure turning out to be one of my more interesting first days at school.

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