Chapter Two) Meeting Mark

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Mark) Hey Jack and who are you miss

Y/N) I'm Y/n

Mark) Nice to meet you

Jack) Okay Y/n where's your house?

Y/n) Oh here *Shows him the Address*

Jack) Alright well let's go

Mark) Why is Y/n coming not to be rude or anything just wondering

Y/n) I moved here in Ireland but, I have no car to take me too my house/apartment

Mark) Oh that makes sense

Jack) Okay can we go now

Y/n) Yes let's go

We hoped into the car and everyone was quite during that trip.You were listening to Jack's song All The Way and Mark's Space Is Cool.Mark noticed you listening to the songs and got your attention.

Mark) Y/n *Waving his hand in front of you*

Y/n) I'm sorry what is it?

Mark) You like our songs huh?

Y/n) Oh yeah I've watched your channels ever sense I found them on YouTube

Jack) Who do you like more?

Y/n) Jack's because I found him before you Mark sorry

Mark) It's alright (Damn I thought she liked my channel more whatever she still likes my channel but Jack keeps ruining our moments)

Y/n) Hey Jack?

Jack) Yes?

Y/n) Thanks again for this ride I don't know what I'll do if I hadn't bumped into you

Jack) It's no problem

The rest of the car trip go's silent

(Sorry this is Short I'm tired and I don't know what to type thank you for reading and take care bye bye)

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