Capt. Crundee

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???'s POV

I woke up, again realizing what happened last night. They will be here today, I just knew it. I've been here for a little more than a year. With my friends.


A/N this means flashback in this story

I was talking to my friend, Trey, asking him "Why are you so scared?" He responds with "They are coming. They." Then the door opens and guns fired and the police came. Our parents were all shot to death.

End of flashback

Then I hear a scream "COME HERE SOMEONE IS HERE!"

Magical time skip of skippiness

Several men with sunglasses come in and take them off.

Ian's POV

Me and Crainer were going to find someone with Mitch, Jerome, Jordan, Dan, and Ambrew.

To be Continued...

A/N I know this short but stuff got deleted, so, sorry

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