Plane Rides To Hell

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After Hotch dismisses is and my little chat with Morgan, we all made our way to the plane. It took a few minutes for everyone to get there and settle in. Go-bags, last minute packings, the usual. After finally getting settled, the first person to talk was Reid. "Why were called in this case, Garcia?" We always has to have a reason for choosing specific cases over others and we always wanted to know. Garcia was on the computer screen and her expression went from a smile to a dreadful look. "It's how they were killed that worries me.I mean, I try to see the good in the world but this guy... he doesn't have any hope in humanity," she responded as her voice trailed off. "How's that baby girl?" Morgan asked her. "Well that's the weird thing. This is the tricky factor. They were killed two totally different ways. Like nothing is the same. One was stabbed 12 times in the torso and heart while the other was shot in their calf then strangled.Oh and apparently this guy is coo-coo. Well, other than the fact he kills people. Turns out he, you know, did the dirty with the corpse." Wow. She really wasn't lying. This guy is angry. After a while I stopped listening and went into the bathroom to call Dean."Agent Bonham," he answer trying to fake his voice. "Don't you look at the caller before you answer your phone? It's me Emma." I said with a slightly sarcastic voice but he could hear my smile. "Hey Em! How've ya been?" I didn't know how to respond. Just the usual. Oh and by the way someone is kidnapping people who look like mom! How about you? I don't think so."Emma? You still there?" I guess I was thinking for too long."Yeah Dean, I'm still here. Hey uh I need your help. It's bad. I don't know what to do. I'm in the bathroom and I'm sort of freaking out. "He didn't say anything for a while but I knew he was confused. "It-it's this case." I was hoping he would be happy to see me on such bad terms but that was never the case. We haven't seen each other since I moved to Virginia anyway. After a few moments of a silent pause, he answered. "Sure. Where you going?" There was a quiet pause on the phone. All I could hear was the beating of my heart and my breaths. "Lawrence,"I responded with a faint voice. I could hear him gulp and take a few deep breaths to recollect himself. Everyone could tell that he wasn't too fond of that idea. And quite frankly, neither am I.

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