03. Going Rebellious Or Going Bad

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It been a few days since CANDY have started school.

Brenda is suspended so she won't see her for at least another day or two. It was three but Mr.Park told the principal about helping Candy and her really good beats she did for her songs. For that, it help get her get a good grade and one day to come back from school but just for that she have to have detention for the rest of this week and next week for two hours.

Candy have gotten in early to practice a little bit but she also made another version of Girl On Fire. Which just added in a few more words to it, so she just called it the Girl On Fire remix. She is not sure who will sings the other lyrics but soon she find the right person to do it. Class have already begin and Mr.Park is already talking about assignments. "Mr.Gardner, you late again." Mr.Park says as Candy watch Jax fist bump someone before walking over to the teacher taking his headphones off. She have no clue why but Jax is such a jerk at times. She have no clue when he even act like that. If Brenda was here, she would have probably been his friend right now. "Congratulations." Mr.Park told before he go over to the desk getting a red card.

"First week and I am already getting a reward." Jax asked smiling but Candy knows what that means. In Candy dream, almost everything have happened. This part she know it is not something good. "A warning!"

"Two more and you spend everyday after school emptying spit falls." Mr.Park told him with a smile on his face. He pointed over to the chair and Jax just huffed before walking over to it with such regret ever saying anything.

This only made Candy chuckle a little before she looked up to see Miles coming in through the other door walking with his head down. Taking his backpack off and slip into his chair next to Candy. Candy leaned over a little bit into him before speaking. "Your late." Pointing out the obvious as usual.

"I know." Miles says lowly before looking back at her then straight at the teacher again.

Candy kinda know how he is a little bit. He is very secretive but something important. She may have dreams and...'visions' that comes true at time but thy will never tell what the person's secrets is or not. Thy basically tell the futures. At times they be good and at time they be bad. Sometimes worst even but she knows that if whatever he is hiding it have to be seriously important if he won't even talk about it right away. "Can you tell me at least why?" She whispered to him.

"Busy." Was all he told her simply. He looked down and up at her slowly before he pay back attention to Mr.Park. Candy have did the same because she knew that he doesn't want to talk about it at the moment. So she left it alone. She would never force anyone to speak about the personal life but Brenda....she is a person who will do that.

Just listening to Mr.Park as she was already thinking about some lyrics and new things for the project. The class have been split it up into two groups and of course she was in miles group...well helping him at leasy. She is not complaining but she is glad to be in a group with someone she really talk to and can actually stand then someone she can't.

Hearing Miles play his guitar making good music nodding his head at the guitar of course hearing Jax remark gave her another uneasy feeling. "Jax. Phones away."  Mr.Park told him with his arms crossed.

"But I am using it for the project-"

"Phones away-" He said again more clearly. Jax just rolled his eyes before turning his phone off. He was only working on the project but of course the teacher still doesn't understand but again it is still school. And school rules replied. Crossing his arms and leaned back into his chair.

Miles phone have went off and he looked to see that it was a call. His ring tone ran loud making almost everyone look at him. He pulled it out and looked at the Mr.Park. The only thing he did was nodded his head to the side and Miles had walked off into the hallway.

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