"Yeah! Congratulations _____!
And keep your identity! Be
A ninja!" Black star said and
You chuckled at his advice .

"Sure .visit huh!"you said as
You open the door for them .
They got out and waved to you
Before leaving .

"So .kid you coming in the school?" You asked as you looked
At him who is eating an ice
Cream .

"Uhuh .if they aren't symmetrical. I will die~" he
Said ."so fix them up like what
You do .by the way can I use
This?"you asked as you lifted
Glasses .

"For what?" He asked ."for
The disguise .I think it'll be
Fun too!" You said as you
Sat next to him getting an
Ice cream and watching TV.

*time skip*

You wore your indigo wig that
Reached after your breasts and
Wore the coat that Liz gave you.
It is like maka's but with some
Lines .

You looked at Kid who is wearing
An indigo wig too ."hey not
Cool...why are you wearing the
Same color of wig I'm using?"
You asked slightly pouting .

"For them not to be suspicious.
Plus I like us to be symmetrical."
He told you .

"One thing you should be wearing a coat too and shorts
That has the same color of my
Skirt."you said and he smirked.

He put on a coat and shorts with
The same color of your skirt,
And put on a collar that has the
Same color with your choker.

"What the....now we looked like
Twins!"you said with wide
Eyes ."why? It's good .at least
We're symmetrical and let's
Change our names too ." he
Said and you blinked.

"So then what name?"you
Asked ."wait! How about yours
Is Agisa Michaelis and mine
Is Alisa Michaelis! Makes sense
Right?"you said .

"Good idea .let's go!"he said
And the two of you went out
Holding your bags which has the
Same with color and design .

You wore your glasses and he
Wore the same ."hey. How did
You got a pair?"you asked .
"secret" he said and you slightly
Pouted looking at his.

You can't help but to giggle .
"Why are you laughing?"he
Asked ."nothing I was just excited
And look at us!"you said .

"Yeah. Cool and symmetrical
Right?" He said and you
Punched him playfully as
The two of you walk but in
A faster pace because yeah
You were an athlete .

"There it is"you said as you
Looked up at the large gates
Of the school. "Big right .it's
Just like the school of father."
He said and you nodded walking
Inside .

The two of you received glances
And you got near to him ."this
Is not cool."you said .

"Don't worry .just relax."he
Said and you nodded .the two
Of you reached your classroom
And you entered .

"Huh? New?"a red haired teacher
Said and you both nodded .the
Students quiet when they saw
The two of you .

"What are the names?"she
Asked with a grin on her face
And you can feel you eyes change
Into color red .

"____- Alisa Michaelis"you
Said almost slipping but kid
Elbowed you a little .

"Agisa Michaelis"kid said and
The teacher inspected the two
Of you .

"Are you twins?"she asked and
You nodded ."woah you look
Symmetrical."the teacher said
And Kid grinned.

"Anyways ,I'm Hanji .take your
Seats in there."she said as she
Pointed to the empty seats at
The middle .

Attack On Titan X Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now