5 ♢ twitter / actual peter parker, tom holland

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Tom Holland tomholland1996
Should I stay or should I go?
468 retweets | 3974 likes

hazosterfield and lanikealoha retweeted

hazosterfield and lanikealoha liked

boy don't do this to me

you finally tweeted something


y'all watched stranger things together omg

can i be lani??

lmao wtf why?? she's a bitch and an attention whore ^

I know blocking you will do absolutely nothing but I'll do it anyway. username6


tomholland1996 blocked username6



Lani Kealoha lanikealoha
QUESTION: When does a Girl become a Bitch? ANSWER: Responses may vary.
510 retweets | 6253 likes

Lani Kealoha lanikealoha
Am I an attention whore when I post about myself or am I an attention whore when I post about my male costars?
804 retweets | 9465 likes

zendaya and lauraharrier retweeted

tomholland1996, hazosterfield, mingna, chloebennet4, adriannepalicki, lil_henstridge, elizabetholsen, and clarkgregg liked


"You should have ignored them, you know."

Tom flicks his head up to the sight of Lani leaning in the open doorway of his room. She was fiddling with the edge of her pajama shorts, a troubled expression on her face. Tom, who had been laying on his bed going through social media on his phone, sat up and wrapped his arms around his knees. He heaved a sigh and looked quizzically at Lani.

"I think ignoring them would have been just as bad as saying those words - which I know for a fact are lies - myself."

He awaited a response from Lani, her lack of one adding to the pregnant pause. He couldn't discern the emotions she was emitting and he feared it might have been the wrong thing to say.

"That's the most Peter Parker thing you've ever said."

"That's a compliment, right?" He asked Lani.

She gave a small nod in reply and timidly grinned afterward.

Tom smiled brightly in return. "Good to know that Marvel picked the right guy to play him."

"Actual Peter Parker, Tom Holland." Lani chuckled. "Thanks, though. For the stuff that happened on twitter."

"I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man looking out for everyone I care about."

"Am I talking to Peter or Tom right now?"

He pretends to be deep in thought for a moment. "You're talking to Tom. Definitely Tom."

"You're good. In all aspects of the word - you're good, Tommy."

"Thanks," He says bashfully. "You, too. You're great."

Lani blushes and averts her eyes to the floor.

Tom narrows his eyes at the use of his nickname typically used by his family and a couple of friends. "Wait, Tommy?"

"I overheard you and Harrison earlier. It has a certain ring to it, don't you think so?"

"No, I don't think so. And I told him to stop calling me that."

"I won't ever stop calling you Tommy," Harrison says as he walks by the room and down the hall. Lani giggles at his impeccable timing.

"Now I won't, either," She jokes.

Harrison walks back up to the doorway next to Lani. "Do you guys want to eat breakfast together in downtown tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'm always up for food," Lani says.

"Me, too. I'm down," Tom adds.

"Great! And it's already been established that I love food, so that's that," Harrison concludes.
All three share a laugh in the quiet of the house.

Unbeknownst to Tom and Lani, Harrison overheard their entire conversation from down the hall. The two were basically flirting with each other but were too blind to see it. Maybe spending time together tomorrow would make them realize they had feelings for each other.



what a bunch of smol beans tbh

AP lit and AP psych are going to be the death of me this year for sure but i can handle AP french. good to know that i'm suffering at one of the top 500 schools in the nation ✌🏽️

thank you so much for reading (700 as i'm typing this), commenting, and voting for this story! 💕

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