The part where Sienna moves in

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Sienna's POV

Wow. We were finally here. My mom was unpacking the boxes from the moving van and moving them onto the grass. The house was huge considering we were moving into such a small town. My dad left years ago, met a French model and fell wonderfully in love. I haven't heard from him since. The move was mostly moms idea, she wanted a fresh start, and Lakewood was the place.
I took in a deep breath, the warm air circulating into my lungs, it felt good. I saw a girl my age across the street. She smiled and waved, approaching me with a smile still beaming across her face.
'Hey I'm Emma. I'll leave you to settle in but my mom will probably make me bring cookies over later, she likes welcoming people to the neighbourhood.' I smiled at Emma and said thanks. She politely nodded and continued up the street. Her brown her was flitting loosely in the wind, if my hair was that long I'd probably tie it up.
'Si, can you help me carry some stuff in? I've already chosen my bedroom, but you can look at the other two and pick your favourite.' Mom shouted from in the door.
'I thought this was a five bedroom house?' I asked with a raised eyebrow
'It is. But one room will be a study and the other room will be your art room. You need somewhere  to  hang up all of your drawings and paintings.' Mom turned and walked back into the house with a box marked kitchen. I sighed and began the walk up the cobblestone pathway. I looked around the house with mom before we bought it, but now it seems so much bigger where there's hardly any stuff in it. I grabbed a box marked Sienna and carried t up the stairs. I could see the room mom had picked so I looked for the next biggest room. One room had a window overlooking a park filled with trees, the other room had a view over looking the street and an ensuite, so I went for that one. I placed my box down on the floor and went back down stairs.
For hours mom and I carried boxes up and down the stairs. We finally stopped and looked at the time. 4:05. We'd been unpacking for six and a half hours.
'Shall we go out for dinner?' Mom asked. She had a drained look on her face, I knew she didn't want to cook.
'Yeah sounds great mom. I'll just grab my purse.'
I went up to my room and looked out of the window. My mom was getting into the car. She seemed to be struggling to get it unlocked. My eyes danced to the other side of the street. Emma was stood laughing outside with a really short girl and a ginger haired girl. There was a  boy with them too. The ginger haired girl jumped into a car with a boy and speeded off down the road. I laughed, life seemed so simple here. Emma and her friends walked into her house so I decided there was nothing more interesting to see so I joined my mom in the car.
'I saw a nice bistro sort of place down the road a bit if you want to go there. I don't think this town really has TGI's, McDonald's or Taco Bell.' Mom stated with a slight giggle.
'A bistro is fine by me.' I smiled and strapped myself into the car. We drove for about ten minutes before parking up and going into a building. A man was sat with a gorgeous guy at the window seat.
'I'm so happy you managed to come and live with me. It's awful what happened but you'll be okay here.' I heard the man say to the boy which I now presume to be his son.
A waitress had shown my mom to a table which overlooked a lake. You could see the mayors house from this seat according to the plaquard on the table.
'Quite a nice little place' my mom announced proudly
'Yeah I suppose it is.' I replied
'I think we're going to like it here. I feel like this is a special place.'
'Yeah me too mom.' We shared a smile across the table as the waitress came over to take our orders, my mom went for a pasta dish and I had a burger.
'So are you looking forward to going to school?'
'Not really mom. Ive never really fitted in at school have I?'
'Well you're the girl that paints and knows all about psychopaths and murderers. I do highly doubt that people would be jumping at the chance to be your friend Si. But when they really what a lovely girl you are, you'll have plenty of friends.'
'I hope so. I don't want the problem of having to move school'
' you won't have to, I promise.' My mom squeezed my hand gently as a sign of some reassurance. I smiled at her. I looked over to the guy and his dad by the window. He kept glancing my way, as if he were doing anything to avoid talking to his dad. I smiled and he half smiled back at me before standing up and walking off towards the toilets. His dad sat there shaking his head.
'I'm just going to the little girls room.' I said to my mom. She nodded her head so I got up and followed this guy towards the toilets. The toilet door led to a corridor that was painted black and the lights in the corridor barely worked. I opened the door to the ladies toilet and there was mess everywhere. So I shut it back up and decided to wait for the disabled toilet.
'I should have told you that the girls toilets were a mess.' He said, emerging from the darkness of the walls.
'It would have been nice haha.' I laughed shyly. This guy was beautiful, like an actual work of art or a god.
'The men's are the same, I just tend to wait for the disabled, it's cleaner in there. And there's room for two.' He said with a shy wink. I smiled at him and shook my head,
'Sorry, I'm not into befriending people in the toilet'
'That's a shame. I, not good at making friends.' He said. The door to the disabled toilet swung open and a girl with really frizzy hair came out. She smiled at me and Mr Dreamy. Mr Dreamy went into the cubicle and left me stood outside looking like an idiot. I started kicking my toe against my left foot. I then realised what a bad choice of footwear I had decided to wear. My turquoise vans were now a bit worse for wear. I heard the chain flush and the sink tap start to run, I was hoping for it to be mr Dreamy in the disabled which to my liking it was.
'Just thought I'd warn you, the frizzy hair all over the floor and toilet is not mine. And I don't actually know you're name yet.' He said as he held the door open for me.
'Thanks for the warning, and I'm called Sienna. What about you?' I asked
'Kieran. Kieran Wilcox. It was nice to meet you Sienna.' He said with a smile before returning to the bustle of the bistro.
After I finished in the toilet I went back to my table where the food had now been served. My mom was tucking her napkin into the front of her blouse.
'Why do you do that in every place we eat?' I asked
'I like to protect my clothing Si.' My mom said.
The rest of the eveni went quite quickly. We had general chit chat as we are our lovely food. My mom gave a very generous tip to the waitress and she had excellent customer service apparently. As i walked past Kieran who was still sat with his dad I gave him a slight smile and a wave and he did the same back. Our parents smiled at each other and then my mom dragged me to the car asking all sorts of questions about Kieran which I couldn't really answer seeing as I met him just before I went to the toilet. When we got home I went upstairs to run a bath. I relaxed in it and poured in some essential oils and body bars to make it smell extra nice seeing as my mom wanted me to go job hunting in the morning.
I must have dozed off in the bath because I was woken up by a violet banging at the door. My mom was shouting at me to let her in. I got out of the bath and wrapped myself up in the nearest towel and apologised for staying in there for so long. I went into my bedroom and closed the door. My light was quite dim in my room but it was still enough to see. I went over to the curtains to pull them shut when I saw a person stood outside Emma's house. The person was dressed in a black long robe and black hood. I put my hand on the window and gazed further. Emma was sat in her room at the front of the house with the boy she was outside with earlier. They were hitting each other with pillows  and looked like they were having s lot of fun, I smiled to myself and drew the curtains. I turned on my bedside lamp and switched off my main light, I decided I'd just sleep in my underwear tonight so I pulled some out of the underwear box at the end of my bed and slipped between the sheets. For the first time in a long time I finally felt relaxed.

But I shouldn't have.

(Hello everyone. I hope you liked the first chapter of this book. I absolutely love Amadeus Serafini, I've seen everything he's been in and I think he's great so my love for him will probably show throughout the story.
If you did like the first part then please vote for it and check out my social media at
Twitter annaa_peake
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