Nuclear attack (2006)

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Dropped from Enola,
a city erased,
threat of the future displayed
A power unheard of
a power unseen

Flash out of nowhere,
the sky is burning
At 8:16 AM Tokyo control realized something was wrong
Reports of explosions, destruction and pain
Air raid from hell city gone in a blaze

August in black,
B-29's coming back

Prepare for nuclear attack
Warned but did not heed
Prepare for nuclear attack
Strike back
Chose not to believe
Another nuclear attack

From the southeast came the second attack,
threat of tomorrow unveiled
11:02 on the 9th of August
Over the valley,
like ball lightning

The bomb detonates and the land turns to waste,
barren for decades to come
The factories burning,
the steelworks destroyed
Surrender your war else you'll perish in flames

Second attack, B-29's turning back.
Prepare for nuclear attack
Warned but did not heed
Prepare for nuclear attack
Strike back
Chose not to believe
Another nuclear attack





Warned but did no heed
Prepare for nuclear attack
Strike back
Chose not to believe
Another nuclear attack

Warned but did no heed
Prepare for nuclear attack
Strike back
Chose not to believe
Another nuclear attack



The Allies of World War II called for the unconditional surrender of the Empire of Japan with the Potsdam Declaration on 26 July 1945 or face “prompt and utter destruction”. Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki responded to the declaration with Mokusatsu, a Japanese term that has no direct translation in any European language and is even ambiguous in Japanese. The word can translate innocuously as “to refrain from comment” or offensively as “to treat with silent contempt” and many similar meanings in-between. The Domei News Agency, unsure of which meaning Suzuki meant, chose the more offensive meaning when translating the statement into English for transmittal on the 28th of July.

The first atomic bomb, nicknamed “Little Boy”, detonated over Japan was dropped by the Boeing B-29 Superfortress “Enola Gay” on the manufacturing city of Hiroshima 6 August 1945, at approximately 08:16. With a flash of electromagnetic radiation, an overpressure shockwave of 34 kPa (5 psi), and temperatures in excess of 6,000 C (10,830 F), the bomb decimated everything within a 1.75km (1.1mi) radius of the blast center. The shells of approximately 50 heavily reinforced, earthquake-resistant concrete structures were all that remained standing in the aftermath of the explosion. Hiroshima’s devastation failed to elicit immediate Japanese surrender therefore three days later the second atomic bomb, nicknamed “Fat Man”, was detonated over Japan. Dropped by the Boeing B-29 Superfortress “Bockscar” on the industrial city of Nagasaki 9 August 1945, at approximately 11:02.At noon on 15 August 1945, Emperor Hirohito announced his county’s unconditional surrender.))

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