Emmet and Rosalie

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Emmet and Rosalie are also on my fathers side of the family aunt and uncle. Emmet has a power where he can do telepathy with Rosalie. That's one of Rosalie's powers she has one that no other has in the history she has heightened eyesight like no other.

Hey Emmet I going to spy on Renesmee and Jacob wanna come with!!!?? Rosalie yelled across the house to emmet.

Duh who do you think I am. Emmet said.

My husband of course and Nessis uncle. Rosalie replied with sass

Did you just sass me Rosalie??. Emmet said.

Of course I did and are you coming or not??.Rosalie said.

Yes I am she's our nice. Emmet said with excitement.

Two hours later they were still spying on us. But we some how never notice when they hid to get more Intel. Just then Jacob pushed me against the nearest tree. Taking off my clothes and entering his dick into my vagina. I screamed in pleasure.

Hey that's my nice!!!.Emmet yelled at Jacob and jump out to talk or yell at us.

Jacob putting on his clothes and I did so to. Emmet that's enough!!. Screamed Rosalie.
Hey I thought you weren't ok with them doing this at all!!. Emmet yelled.
I don't care if they do it but they have to have protected sex. Rosalie replied.
Fine but I don't trust him Rosalie. Emmet said.
You should he's taken care of her since birth. Rosalie said in a caring tone.

This went on for three hours. By that I mean Emmet talking about sex and condoms. He also talked about birth control since I'm half human. They finally went home and me ,and Jacob spent the night together at his house. Yes we did have sex I don't remember if we used protection though.

Twilight saga        Renesmees diaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora