Erza twitched visibly, "I've already paid for them."

"I don't accept drinks from strangers." Chane bit back stubbornly. Erza let out a rather irritated growl, chugging the remainder of her drink, and slamming it back onto the table.

"Drink." A statement. A command. Erza's eyes flashed a dangeous shade of yellow, and Chane instinctivly reached for the mug, taking a large gulp before slamming it on the table with a burning throat. Erza smirked satisfactory, "Very good. I am Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail."

You're a lot more then that, Chane snapped irritably in her head, before stubbornly shifting her gaze away from Erza's welcoming glower. Erza's smile didn't falter, until her body instantly stiffened. Chane looked back at her in confusion.

"...we finally managed to figure where Lullaby is at, but we can't do anything about that stupid seal!"

Chane's ears perked at mans loud voice, catching onto what Erza was listening to. The dusty bluenette took another sip from her sweet alcoholic beverage as she listened,

"Not so loud.." Another voice whispered, and the small group of men quickly quieted down.

"No worries," A man with back hair spoke as he stood from his seat with a smile, "I'll take care of it now. You guys head back to the guild."


"Will you be okay on your own?" Kage's guild members asked him with concern. The man smiled, "Don't worry 'bout me. Just tell Erigor I will be back within three days with Lullaby."

The group exited, and Erza immediately stood up, "We're done here."

"W-wha?" Chane stood up and followed the red head out of the bar, watching in confusion as Erza heaved the giant horn up once again.

Erza began to walk briskly as Chane stumbled to catch up with her, ignoring the strange looks the citizens of Onibus shot them. Chane could only image how strange the two females looked, one dressed in full armor while carrying a large horn decorated with diamons, while a much shorter girl stumbled after her, dressed in a long sleeved red shirt that was torn at the elbow of her right arm.

"If they speak of Erigor of the winds, then that was a dark guild inside of there." Erza's gazed darkened, "And that flute that Kageyama has stolen, Lullaby, may be more then just a simple flute."

"...That was Kageyama?" Chane's fist clenched into a fist. He was right in front of my nose.. and I let him get away?

"We will first proceed to have back up, and then we will storm the dark guild. You can complete your mission, and I can gain information."

What?! Chane held her breath, appalled. She hadn't asked for Erza's help, the stupid red headed monster was simply throwing orders around! Chane could only feel irritation, anger, and more irritation (and a slight overwhelming fear) for the woman. She hated to admit that Erza had a good point though, so Chane kept her lips sealed.

"I know just who to recruit," Erza muttered mysteriously. Chane crossed her arms, following her silently to Magnolia.


and then,


"It's Erza.."

"Those are Erza's footsteps.."

"Erza's come back.."

Despite being whispered, Chane could hear clearly the worry in everyones voices as the two approached the doors of Fairy Tail. She was used to the stares by now, as no one had the decency to hide their gaze for the two females.

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