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"You need to have sex,"

Beau lolled his head to the side, hazel eyes sliding to look over at Jeremy. Who was currently sitting criss-crossed on his bed with his pillow shoved underneath his chin. He was staring intently at Beau, with a soft smirk on his face.

"You offering?" Beau asked, already knowing the answer he'd receive.

Jeremy shivered, scrunching up his nose in distaste, "I'll pass,"

"I'm a good kisser," Beau tried, pursing his lips and making kissing noises.

Again, Jeremy's nose scrunched up, "I'm serious Beau. You've been in this funk for a few days now,"

"I have not,"

"Have to,"

"Have not,"

"Have not,"

"Have to," Beau said, before wincing at his mistake, "Dammit Jeremy."

"I'm just saying what others aren't telling you," Jeremy said, placing a hand onto Beau's shoulder with a soft look on his face. "You know what they say. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else."

"I'm not getting over anyone," Beau grumbled, shoving his cheek deeper into his pillow.

Though he and Paul hadn't been together, it sure felt like they had been. He wasn't expecting to be so depressed for this long, which was why he was only half-attempting to stop Jeremy from talking him into going out.

"He or she must've been something special," Jeremy said, leaning back on his elbows. A thoughtful look crossed his face before he was saying, "What happened?"

"We stopped..." Beau paused, not sure what to say. He and Paul hadn't placed on a name on their short affair with each other. Sighing, Beau said, "We stopped touching each other below the belt."

Whistling, Jeremy chuckled, "Boy or girl?"


"Did he have a good dick?"

"Jeremy," Beau hissed at his roommate, making the blonde boy laugh loudly.

"You know what you need," Jeremy said, pointing at Beau. "You need a drink."

"I don't drink," Beau said, before correcting himself, "I don't drink much."

"You're such a fucking bummer Jamison," Jeremy teased, using the nickname he'd given Beau the moment he'd overheard Renee call him it over the phone.

His mother been in the middle of giving him a brief scolding for not calling her for a couple days and had used his full name in her rant; and since then, Jeremy had taken to calling Beau by his middle name.

Shivering as Beau's dream snapped into his head about the mystery woman who had called him just that before she'd bitten him, Beau snapped, "Don't call me that,"

"Sorry Jamison," Jeremy said, waving away Beau words. He then grabbed his phone, scrolling through it for a few moments in silence before shoving the screen into Beau's face.

Peeling one of his eyes away from his pillow, Beau saw an Instagram picture with the address for a club on it. It was a familiar club named The Sex , and despite it's name, it was a pretty tame club for college students to go to.

"The Sex," Beau read aloud, watching as Jeremy nodded.

"Tyler tagged me in this," Jeremy said, mentioning his other friend outside of Beau. "He and some of the others guys are going tonight. We have to go, Beau, please."

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