Goodbye Europe, Hello Cameron

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I can't believe it! I'm finally coming home! Don't get me wrong, backpacking through Europe was absolutely incredible, but I haven't seen Nash, Skylynn or my parents in months. I left for Europe the day after graduation and now- 2 months and 5 days later I'm back!

I get off the plane and walk to luggage claim and get my red suitcase and walked to the limo driver holding a sign that said my name. Nashy sent his limo to come pick me up... So sweet of him.

I'm 18 years old, blue eyes, brown hair- just like Nash and I am 5'6. I'm extremely tan especially because I've been outside all day everyday for the past two months, but usually I'm just semi-tan.
My legs are toned now after walking and biking throughout Europe and I'm fit.

I have day dreamed about coming home toward the end of my trip and I do it all the way home. I get out of the limo and grab my suitcase, rolling it up to the front door. I unlock it and step inside to be greeted by friends and family. "Adeline!" My mother and my father yell as they run to give me a hug. "Oh we've missed you so much! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!" My mom tells me while holding me for dear life.

"No... Air... Need... Air... To... Live." I struggle to say. My dad pulls her off me and I send him a grateful smile.

"Sis, hey!" Nash says casually.

"Oh come on Nashy you know you're more excited than that to see me." I say sending a playful glare.

He smirks and walks over to give me a hug, "I missed you sis." He finally admits.

"Ha! I knew it!" I grin at him, he pokes my dimples and I smile wider, he always does that.

"Aaaadddaaaaa!" Squeals erupt from upstairs and I watch as Skylynn runs to the top of the stairs then slowly walks down them. I burst out laughing, she's so excited but she's going so slow it's adorable.

She wraps her tiny arms around my waist. I pick her up, "I missed you!" I tell her and squeeze her tight.

"I missed you too ada!" She screams in my ear and hugs me so tight it's as if she thinks I'll leave again.

I set her down and she smiley face gets serious, "if you ever leave me again I'm going to erop to get you back!" She yells and I smile at her pronunciation of Europe.

"Ok I won't leave you again." I tell her smiling, which in turn makes her smile.


That night mom makes my favorite meal- meatloaf, buttery bread and mashed potatoes.

"She goes on a lavish vacation and when she gets back she gets her favorite meal too?" Nash complains.

"She just graduated." My mom explains.

I smirk in his direction.

"Yea, two months ago! What about my graduation?" He asks.

"You asked to go to MAGCON and I let you so stop complaining." My mom says and it becomes quiet while we chow down.

We have a family movie night and I cuddle up with Skylynn on the edge of the couch and watch grown ups 2, it's so funny!

The doorbell rings and I snap my head to the door. Who on earth could be here this late? Like what are you doing with your life??

A tall, tan, brunette guy walks in without anyone going to unlock the door. Nash gets up and does that bro hug thing guys do and I'm just sitting here like wth. Skylynn gets up and runs to the boy.

"Cammmm!" She yells and he picks her up and hugs her. I'm so out of the loop right now.

"Sis I have a surprise." Nash says sounding really excited.

There's a long pause.

"Well..." I say laughing and getting up. I walk to him and the guy that I guess is the surprise??

"While you were prancing around in Europe," I roll my eyes at his comment "Cameron moved back, he lives three houses down, can you believe it? 3 houses!"

My eyes go wide as I look at Cameron now, he got hot! I hug him tightly and he hugs back. "Cammy!" I squeal and he swirls me around. "Ada I missed you!" He says and I smile at him. I pull apart and invite him to watch the movie with us.

We hit play, and Skylynn snuggles with Nash, and Cammy and I snuggle under a blanket together, just like old times.

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