Chapter Two; Callen

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I finally get to go to the clans meeting with my father and mother who are the King and Queen of the elf kingdom. I get up and get dressed in my royal gown which is white and green and my cross leather shoes. When I get there I feel a pair of eyes on my back so I turn around and see a beautiful fairy with beautiful wings and by what she was wearing and where she was siting I was guessing she was the fairy princess who was here to find her husband. When I get into the meeting room I look around and see the pictures of the generations of fairies.

When I sit down beside my mother and father I see her flitter in and sit beside the king and queen of the fairies. the king stands up and begins the meeting. then he says that he has pick the one that her daughter is going to marry. He picks some dude across from me that I think is either a vampire or a light thrower. The guy stands up and walks into the middle and says his name and his species. His name is Damon and he is a vampire.

I envy him. He gets to marry the prettiest girl I have ever seen. I'm going to talk to her after the meeting because I can't after her marriage or I would be hung because I might be in love with a married woman who is also a princess. When the meeting is over I lose her in the crowd of creatures. when I walk out I see her on the stairs again so I push through the crowd and see that she has tears in her eyes. I walk up to her and ask why she is so sad. She answers with a sob. I walk up the stairs and give her a hug. when she is done crying she says she thinks the guy she was chosen to be with isn't for her and she doesn't like him.

My parents call for me so I tell her that we should keep in touch and then I giver her my cell number. When I get home I go lay on my bed and plug in my earbuds and start to listen to my favourite song 'backseat serenade' by all time low.

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