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A punch hit Dede square in the face. She touched her cheek feeling a bruise.

"Well you got the fire I'll give you that." Laughed Dede throwing a punch to her little sister.

"Ow hey I'm only 5!" Yelled Kate.

"I know but one day the cops will get me and you need to learn to fight."

"Yeah but mommy and daddy will come back some day and they will protect me."

Dede's heart fell. "Their not coming."

"Yes they will!"

"No they won't!"

"Well how do you know!"

"For 5 years I waited and waited but instead I got a little brat who doesn't know them like I do!"

Tears rolled down both of there cheeks.

"Take that back!" Screamed kate.

"No!" She yelled. "I'm tired of this I was perfectly fine before you showed up on my door step!"

"Well at least I'm not some maniac stabbing people. Then swallow down your feelings to hide from the world!"

"I'm done," she went and grabbed her bag. Then walked out the door. "Bye brat."

She walked to her little hide out. It was just a small apartment. She went there when she was drunk. She had a fridge, a mini one, a bed, desk, window, a microwave, and lots of paints.

She put in her earphones and blasted her music. She played Shattered by Trading Yesterday. It was her favorite song. Suddenly rage took over. She started throwing things and breaking things. She punched a hole in the wall.

She looked over at the  paints and the blank canvas. She was very good at painting. She loved the way the colors blended.

She started painting. When she finished she hung it on the wall. It was her mom and dad. Smiling. She started to cry. She sat in the corner and cried and cried she sobbed. Until she fell asleep.

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