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She knew things were now going to be awkward for them now that they are back together and all. But the thought didn't bother Astrid. It would make sense that none of them knew what to do or say.

They found Hiccup who had ran away for five years because he felt useless and alone. He ran because his first friend - as weird as it may seem - was a Night Fury. And Vikings have hated dragons for 300 years.

Then the runt of the village had gone and befriended the most fearsome and deadly dragon. Well, that they know of. And Hiccup never said that he met many knew dragons. Frankly, he shared little of what he did those five years. He only spoke little of why he had left and how he befriend the night Fury. And even that wasn't a good explanation

Astrid sees how closed of he is and she can only guess that it is the gangs fault. They constantly bullied and picked on Hiccup for now reason. Granted, Astrid never physically or verbally abused him, but she hadn't done anything to stop them.

But she was afraid. "Afraid of what" you might ask? Her reputation. She has spent years trying to become respected by all the other Vikings. She didn't want to risk all that hard work to stop bullies from abusing a fishbone.

And Fishlegs? She doesn't know what his excuse is. It could be because he hates fights and was afraid of getting bullied if he somehow managed to suck up the courage to stop them.

They all somehow hurt Hiccup. And they are paying for it is they sail back to Berk.

Like she had said early: things will be awkward and tense for them all from now on. And with the trip back to Berk, they all dreaded heading back.

They somehow managed to convince Hiccup to come with them, but what they should of done first was talk about what happened between them all before stuffing them all in a boat in the middle of nowhere with an outcast and a dragon in board.

Nobody said anything for the first few hours, to uncomfortable to say anything. But once the sun seemed to fall farther down the sky, the gang had decided that they should do something about this before they push it off any farther.

The problem was though, was that Hiccup and the dragon were nowhere to be found. They thought at first he had bailed on them and flew back to the island, but them they say it.

They watched as a black figure shot up the sky, past the clouds and disappearing from sight. They all looked at each other, confused.

They see Gobber looking up at the sky from the mast of the ship. They hurry over to him, wanting to know what Hiccup thought he was doing.

"Gobber, why-" Astrid started.

"Did the lad take off with 'is dragon? The lad wanted air and said tha' he would come back later." Gobber said and limped off.

Gone (HTTYD Fanfic) REWRITE [Book 5]Where stories live. Discover now