The Invitation

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(Holy crap, an actual title for this chapter? WOAH- I felt like the ending on the chapter was like the end, BUT NOPE, MORE CHAPTERS FOR YA SO WE CAN ACTUALLY END THIS!!! XD)

(Remember, some characters may be out of character, BUT IT'S WRITTEN BY ME, AND I DIDN'T MAKE THESE CHARACTERS: It's by Cary & Michael Huang....)


(By the way:

Italics: Quoting something from a book/poster/etc.

Bold: Quoting someone

Your welcome)


*Eight hours later*

Golf ball sat up straight on her bed, rubbing her eyes, only awake because she heard the doorbell outside the house, she checked her alarm clock. "Only 7am?" She groaned, getting up to check the door, she groaned when she saw it was Coiny at the door, who beamed slowly. "What do you want at this point of time?" Coiny then held out a flyer. "So, I was wondering if your team would like to join this party." Coiny begged, now shoving the flyer in Golf Balls face. "I mean, you have no choice since you have to go, since I'll just come along and drag you guys one by one if you're not interested, but, just wondering if you wanted to!" He smirked, bringing the flyer closer to him, now taking a good look at the armless female contestant. "Jee, you look like you haven't slept for month-" Golf Ball then unexpectedly snatched the flyer out of Coiny's hands. "Yeah thanks, our team will discuss about this," Before Coiny could reply, she slammed the door on his face. She sighed loudly, sitting down against the door, reading the flyer. "Celebrating on those who made it far in the competition....our elimination is today..." She sighed, putting the flyer down.

"Who was that?" She looked up to see Fries and Gelatin standing at the exit of the hallway, "Just Coiny wanting us to, come over this... party..." She groaned, showing them the flyer "Really now?" Gelatin asked, opening the blinds to let the sun in, unawaringly almost blinding Golf Ball. "What is this party about?" Fries folded his arms, not super keen to find out what it was about. "Something about celebrating those who got this far in the game..." Golf Ball replied, handing the flyer towards Fries before sitting on the couch. "Why throw it before our elimination, I'll never know..." She sighed loudly, running her foot down against her face in exasperation, "Morrrrning!" Firey charmed, slightly catching Fries off guard, now noticing the flyer. "What's this?!" He snatched it off of Fries's grip and began reading. "Oh it's from Coiny..." He groaned, scrunching up the flyer, "Laaaame!" He threw it, hoping it would land in the trash bin, but only failed by a few inches. "FIREY!!" Golf Ball yelled out, "As much as I hate going as well, we pretty much, in his words, HAVE NO CHOICE." "Have no choice?" Gelatin sat on the couch slightly confused. "If we didn't go, he would drag us to the party, one by one," Golf Ball replied, then unexpectedly chuckled, closing her eyes & leaning against the couch. "I'll be too heavy for him, and soon he'll just give up dragging me to the party and I'll get the peace of this cottage to myself or- " "I don't know about that..." She opened her eyes to see Tennis Ball standing with the crumpled up flyer, smiling. "I-if he does give up, I guess I would've been taking over..." Golf Ball just stared at him blushing lightly, which caused him to begin sweating, then she unexpectedly snatched the flyer away from TB, who was taken back. "Anyway...." She grumbled, reading the flyer, "its starts around 8pm..."She groaned, throwing the flyer away. "Whatever, I had plans, but I might as well just do them now..." She got up and walked back to her room. "At least we'll find out who's eliminated before that!!" She screamed out before slamming her door. "Well then..." Fries started, grabbing the flyer, taking a good look at it. "She an't lying when she said we had no choice." "Oh?" Gelatin ran beside Fries and stared at the flyer. "In the small print, he wrote, if you're not within the party zone, I'll hunt you down and drag you all the way," "Woah hey!" Firey chuckled. "That soo sounds like something that DUMB Coin would do, heh, right TB?" Firey playfully hit his elbow against TB, who turned towards him, "Uh, yeah...sure..." He sighed, walking back to his room, Firey just watched, wondering what just happened, but decided to read the flyer, wonder what else his frenemy wrote on the flyer.


* English is off today...*


(Yeah, that's right, you get the elimination in the next chapter, XD *wasn't originally planning on it, but fu*k it, I'll do it, XD) *Mainly because IDFB came out, XD*

Sorry for the lack of Tenolf, my mind wasn't exactly sparking, and, just to point it out, I believe, there might not be any majority of Tenolf in the next chapter, but hopefully, I'll add some at the end of the next chapter...hopefully...


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