What I Did Today

23 3 9

Ok sooooooo.... Since I was running a fever and couldn't get out of bed without crying in pain..... I couldn't go to school sooooooo... Here's what I did today.

1) read SCÖMÍCHE fanfiction
2) ate pizza
3) updated "How Will I Know?"
4) read more SCÖMÍCHE fanfiction
5) got creped out by my dog cause she was giving me a death glare
6) posted a musically (took A BILLION TRIES!!)
7) read more SCÖMÍCHE fanfiction
8) read a funny email from meh friend
9) talked to my friend CowanRiarkleTown
10) read more SCÖMÍCHE fanfiction
11) ate pretzels (still am)
12) wrote this chapter

So that was my day!

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