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Kayleigh's POV

"Thank you for welcoming me into your home, Narcissa and Lucius," I smile up at them and they smile back. "Of course, Kayleigh. It was a pleasure to have you stay at our home, we hope you come back soon. You're welcome anytime," Narcissa speaks for the both of them and I nod before giving Draco a quick hug and getting on the train.

I walk my way through the train until I find the cars that holds Penelope, Iris, and Talia. I slide open the door and strike a pose as they look at me. Suddenly, I am being grabbed and forcefully pulled into the car, the door slamming shut behind me. I'm thrown on the bench next to Penelope and they are quickly shooting words in my face.

"I heard you spent he summer at Malfoy Manor!" "Oh my god, did you hear about Sirius Black?" "Girl, we missed you SOOO much!" The only thing they said that stood out in my head was the one about Sirius Black.

"Wait, what did you say about Sirius Black? Who is that?" I ask looking at Iris who is the one who said it in the first place. "Sirius Black is a prisoner in Azkaban who escaped! They don't know where he is and they've sent out dementors to look for him," she explains looking quite terrified. "Oh," I say, feeling pretty scared myself but trying not to show it.

"Well, once we're back at Hogwarts, we should be safe," Talia chimes in and I nod. "That's just crazy," I reply and they agree. Then we change the subjects and tell each other about our summers. Talia asks me many questions about my stay with the Malfoys when suddenly, the train stops and the lights go off.

"What's going on?" Iris asks, fear evident in her voice and I put my hand on the window, instantly feeling freezing. I look forward and I begin to see my breath. "Wow, it's freezing in here," I say rubbing my bare arms with my hands, trying to keep warm when we see a big black floating figure go past our door. My breath hitches in my throat and my heart stops for a second. All I can think is: is Draco okay?


~Draco's POV~

The car became very cold, with the lights out and we stopped moving. I worriedly look out into the hallway and hear screams as I see a black figure coming towards me slowly. I shut the door quickly and sit back in my seat, full of fear. Dementor. They must be looking on the train for Sirius Black.

All I can think is: is Kayleigh okay?


Dumbledore stands at the front of the room, like always and informs us of the new situation. "As all of you must know, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban so we have some new rules at Hogwarts this school year. All students must go to their common rooms right after dinner; anyone out past then will have consequences. This is only to ensure your safety. Prefects are the only exceptions to the rule.

"Secondly, just to let you all know, we will have dementors surrounding the school at all times to make sure Sirius can not come in and harm you. Do not give them a reason to hurt you, dementors are not known to be forgiving. That is all, enjoy the feast!" He finishes and the food appears on the tables. I look over at Kayleigh and she looks kind of scared.

I shrug it off, knowing she's safe here, and eat the delicious meal in front of me. After the meal is over, the Slytherin prefect escorts us to the common room, as they've been ordered to do by Dumbledore. Once we get there, a lot of people head straight up to bed but me and a few others stay downstairs. One of them being Kayleigh.

"Hey," I say walking over to her by the fireplace. She looks deep in thought as she stares into it. "Oh, hey Draco," she mumbles in response and I ask her if she's okay.

"Do you think Sirius will be able to get in?" She asks, looking at me with such a vulnerable look filling her eyes. I pull her into me and she actually lets me. "No, of course not 'Leigh. You're safe here, and I will always protect you," I say stroking her hair comfortingly and she nods her head.


~Kayleigh's POV~

What's that feeling I have running through my body? Safety, comfort? I guess I feel as if Draco can keep me safe. I have grown to actually like him and I feel comfortable around him. He's a good friend.

I don't know how long we've been sitting there like this but I know that I was starting to doze off. I pull back and he looks at me, worry in his sparkling grey eyes. "Thank you, Draco," I whisper and he nods happily. He starts to lean in and I freeze. Is he going to kiss me? What is he doing? He gently presses his lips on my cheek and I feel a fire in my cheeks.

He backs away and smiles lightly before getting up and walking away. What did he do that for? Why didn't I push him away? Ugh, whatever.

I stomp up the stairs to my dorm and I fall into my bed, pulling the covers over my body and curling up. I stare at the wall blankly for merlin knows how long before I actually fall asleep. It was a restless night, full of tossing, turning and waking up. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable in the bed, I was uncomfortable in my mind. I had no idea what was going on with me.

It's probably just my stupid hormones from puberty. No thanks.


a/n: sorry for the semi-short chapter :(

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