Plot #1 | Taken

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This is a plot originally made and published, but I didn't have much time for the idea and lost inspiration for it. It was all based on the theme of Harry Potter.

Name (can be changed): They Thought I Was Harry Potter

Original Author: MoonyMarauder

Genre: Fanfiction

Description: On July 31st 2001, Stephen Oswold was born into a family of Harry Potter fanatics. Wilson Oswold, Stephen's father, owned a wand which he carried around with him whilst his wife, Nora Oswold, had a permanent dark Mark tattoo on her inner arm.

When their son was born, they named him Stephen but as their love for Harry Potter grew, they felt they needed more. Nora had her name legally changed to Lily along with Wilson who changed his name to James. Their son had already been dressed up as a mandrake when he was only a newborn and they had drawn a scar on his forehead for Halloween. Feeling as if their child should embrace the wonderful movie franchise, they thought they would also change his name to Harry. They all got their surnames changed to Potter and are known as the 'wizarding family'.

"My name was Harry Potter and this is my story."

This is a rather old plot and I only made this for a bit of fun, nothing to serious. I've written this up for the plot shop since I feel someone could do justice to it. I would also be willing to help someone if/when they choose to use this plot.

If you would like it, ask nicely in the comments below.

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