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Name: Muffin

Location: Where people are happy and dreams come true

Gender: F

Language: English

Member Since: Mar 02, 2011

Votes Received: 7,773

1)When did you first start writing?

I first started to write hm, like eight years ago when I got depressed over a fight with my friends and I had a weird feeling like I had to get out how I felt and I’m sensitive but I’m not much of a tear jerker, so I started a diary which held all of my secrets but with time my sentences rhymed without any effort from my part and so I published it on a site that showed me I can write novels and that’s when I started writing.

2)What inspires you to write?

My emotions! Which is very different than most what people get inspired by but my feelings are the main thing pushing me to write. When I feel happy, I grant my fans with a good chapter, like wise when I’m down. But sometimes I choose to write a positive chapter even if it contrasts my mood just because.

3)Do you often get writers block?

 Haha, yes I do. A lot actually, and when I have to kill it, it used to take me days to write again. I believe each and every writer must have a writer’s block and if you think about it, it’s expectable. You have a whole world inside of your mind, it must lay off for a while, catch its breath. We as writers are very creative and I think that’s how our brain takes a nap without taking too long just to be able to stay till the end.

4)Does negative feedback on your stories affect you?

Negative feedback in general doesn’t bother me at all because I believe that if I do mistakes, then I’m learning something. If each chapter goes by with my fans saying they love it and I wouldn’t know – as a writer- what I was supposed to correct or change.. it’s fulfilling for the short term satisfaction but not for the long term.

However, some people tend to be cruel. Cruel as in you read the comment and you wish you’d like to die painfully. This is not commenting nor is it encouragement, Wattpad is a community and we should all help each other.

5)Has your writing developed since you joined wattpad?

 Let’s put it this way, Wattpad showed me that Writing is the thing I’d like to perfect with the passage of time because I do get better with each novel.

6)On average how much time do you spend writing?

Damn. I spend far too many hours writing. If I’m not writing my novels, I’m writing poetry in my diary or just writing things in random pieces of paper.  I even had to stop going on wattpad for a while [ it was supposed to be for 2 months but I couldn’t take it so I broke the rules] and I even resumed writing with a pen on a paper my novel’s chapters because it was just too painful to have the idea and not be able to write it down and publish it, edit it or whatever you’d like to do with it.

7)What genre is your favourite? And which one do you tend to write in most?

I believe most of my fans will tell you that I almost tried every genre except horror. The ones I am best at, according to the success of the novels, were pure romance which I believe is different than the other romance, and action, adventure.

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