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Erik threw the frisbe a little too far.  I chased it down, just as it landed at the feet of a women.  I grimaced when i realized i would have to go retrive it from her, being the completely anti social kid that i was.  "'scuse me ma'am," i said blushing. "My frisbe flew too far.."

she looked at me with bright, kind eyes. "It's quite alright honey," she said.  She picked up the frisbe and handed it to me.  "now, let's get you back to your family."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Oh, there'll be none of that 'ma'am' stuff now sweetie.  I've got a son who's a few years older than you, and he still doens't use maners like yours.  It drives his father a bit mad," she added with a grin.   "My name is Sasha."

"Good to meet you Sasha," i said. I led her over to where Sam and Erik were standing with their backs turned to us. "This is my father."

"Hello sir," Sasha said with a smile as she tapped Erik on the shoulder.  "I was just retur-" she froze as he turned around.  "Erik." she said with wide eyes.

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