Why are you laughing at me?

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Isabella approached the door of the big house, shocked into silence by its size, and it's grandeur. She had been trying to pull herself together for the whole walk, and she felt she had finally accomplished that confidence she wanted. And needed. But now, standing in front of the house she had imagined living in, when she was a child, with a limitless imagination. But those days where long gone now, and life was just hard work. No rest. Everyone she knew was just worked to death. Nobody lived in big houses, with servants catering to their every whim. Nobody except the big shots. All the people who thought they where better than those who worked for them, she snorted. Like any of them posh lot could even dig up a potato. If it wasn't for us, they'd starve, she decided. Yeah, they would.....
Turning her mind away from how the Lords and Lady's would starve, she plucked up her courage and rang the doorbell. She could hear it echoing through the house, and could see no signs of life. Isabella wondered what they needed all these rooms for. Surely there wasn't people living in all of them, and the homeless people in the village would surely benefit from a roof over their heads, not to mention the families who where crammed into a single room, with barely enough space for laying down, let alone living in luxurious houses like these. She wondered what sort of world it was where just because you where born into a different family, it affected your whole life. You should be able to choose, she decided, not have your whole life planned before you even take your first breath.
Turning back to the door once more, she heard footsteps coming from the other side. They seemed to be taking a long time getting there though, and Isabella tapped her foot impatiently. Finally, the door creaked open, to reveal a crooked, balding man in a slightly worn looking suit. He raised an eyebrow at her, and she took this to mean, "Hello how are you, and how can I help you?"
"My name's Isabella and I'm the new maid. Pleased to meet you." She curtsied like her mother had taught her, despite thinking about what a waste of time it was. The man at the door however, who Isabella now realised was the butler stared at her, in almost disbelief. Without another moment he inhaled deeply through his nose and closed the door in her face. Isabella stood there, clutching her tiny suitcase with her few belongings inside, and stared at the door, shocked at the man's rudeness. She was just about to knock on the door again, and demand that he let her in when she heard laughter from the side of the house. Turning towards the sound, she spotted a girl, a little older than me, but dressed in a simple maid's dress, even with the frilly little hat thing on her head. Isabella would've laughed right back at her, but she knew that soon she would have to wear the horrible, walking disaster too. She was still giggling when she approached her, like she found the sight of her hilarious. She stood there, waiting for her to finish, but every time she even seemed close to calming down, one glance at me would set her off again. Eventually Isabella glared at her until she shut up. Thank you. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she looked at her, waiting for Isabella to ask the obvious question;
"Why the hell are you laughing at me?"

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