16th Birthday

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Avery's P.O.V.

I woke up. Today was my 16th birthday. I sighed. Most people had there first 'change' on there 16th birthday. I'd been 'changing' for as long as I can remember. Since I'd been 'changing' for so long, I was a good fighter. I got up, walked down the hall and into the bathroom, and peered into the mirror. My reflection stared back. My straight, fire engine red hair poked out in all directions, tossed from uncomfortable sleeping positions. My hazel eyes were red from lack of sleep. Lately, I've been having a reoccurring nightmare that has left me startled and restless. My skin was paler than it normally was from the change of just waking up. I blinked couple of times to wet my eyes. It didn't work. I looked like crap and today was a huge day. I decided to take a shower. After I took a shower, .I pulled on my favorite clothes: an orange crop-top and black & white, vertical striped, high waisted shorts. I blow-dried the heap of straight red hair. As I finished, a knock came at the door.

"Avery! Avery, get out of the bathroom!" my sister/best friend, Jade, yelled. I swung open the door. There stood a girl who was just a little taller than me. She had straight dirty blonde hair with aqua streaks here and there. She also had a mutation that made one of her eyes an icy blue and the other a deep brown. Freckles danced across the tan canvas of her skin. My sister considered herself as part of the guys. She hung out with guys, trained with guy, even some of her best friends were guys. Because of this, after lengthy training sessions, she would walk away with scars. She was wearing a sky blue bath robe that covered the worst ones.

"I'm done. I'm done," I said.

"'Bout time," she said as she stepped around me,"Oh, and happy birthday!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes. She laughed and shut the door in my face. I chuckled to myself.

I walked down stairs. Mom was a council member, so she usually wasn't around in the mornings. To my surprise, before Mom left, she cooked breakfast. Eggs, toast, waffles, pancakes, yogurt all decorated the bar. I grabbed I piece of toast. A knock came at the front door. I when to answer it.

"Happy birthday babe," it was Fox. He was the chief's oldest son. He kissed my cheek. He had red hair like me, but his was more ginger. Freckles danced over over his slightly tan face. His brown eyes were kind and warm. Fox wasn't his real name, but because of his looks and the way he fights people called him Fox. Most people in town that don't know us mistake us for brother and sister.

"Come in," I said as I opened the door wider. He walked in.

"Your sister up stairs? Taking a shower?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple muffin.

"Yeah," I said. He was a wolf, like me. So, he had a keen seance of hearing and smell. His younger brother was a wolf also. His name was Alex.

"Are you guys coming to training? 'Cause you don't look like it." he said as he took a bite of the muffin.

"Fuck, I forgot that was today. Here, Let me go change." I breathed out. I ran up stairs. I changed out of my clothes and into an orange tank, 'crap' shorts, and tennis shoes. The shower next door cut off. Soon my sister was in the room with me. She pulled on a blue tank and 'crap' shorts.

"Why didn't you tell me today was training day?!" I whispered/screamed at her.

"I thought it would be funny seeing you all dressed up only to for you to 'change' later," she said as she put on her blue and grey tennis shoes. I rolled my eyes. She just laughed at me," Is Fox here?" I nodded my head.

"Come on we need to go to camp," I said as I walked down stairs.

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