Ch. 2

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{ the arrival }

"Hey. Hey kid," said a light voice, peridot heard this and answered with a groan. They must have arrived, her eyelids hastily flapped open. Her eyes focused on the bus driver in front of her.

'Tall.' Was all that came to peridots mind.

Rubbing her head, she sat up looking out the window at first. Only listening to the driver when he instructed her to get off. She gathered her things, pulling her backpack up and grabbing ahold of her suitcase handle she began to walk to the buses exit.

"Oh and by the way, watch that drool of yours." The bus driver teased with a chuckle.

At that statement, a light blush crept onto the teens face. How embarrassing and to add to it, the thought had distracted her so much, she had somehow managed to trip while heading out the bus. Causing some attention and people to her direction. Most of which came to her aid. Asking the same question, 'are you okay?'


Was what she wanted to say, but of course it was only internal pain she was feeling. The thought of being away from what she considered home. And now she had been sent away by the one she called her mother. A light sigh escaped her lips, strangers helping her up and directing her to her next bus. It wasn't even a holiday, her mother just wanted her gone.

She grumbled as she walked, running a hand through her already messy blonde hair. A blush of embarrassment still evident on her cheeks, "Nice one peridot! Already tripping and falling! They should call you, tripidot." She said joking to no one else but herself, a slight smile replacing the irritated frown. "Nice one..."


"Jeez! I'm finally here!" The blonde said as she walked out the blue bus, looking around the stop she pulled out her phone. "Who's waiting for me again...?" And to her luck, no signal. "Ah c'mon! I'm barely here and I already hate this dumb place-!" Her thoughts came short when she got a whiff of the breath taking sunset in front of her.

Grass on either side of the dirt road on which the bus drove down, back to beach city which was in view from the mountain like place she was settled at. Go forward a few miles you'd end up in beach city, go backward would be a few shops and houses. Signs stood by side of the small stop she was at, but to her horrible luck she hadn't asked her foster mother for other details.

"Rrgh! What the heck am I going to do now?!" Peridot said aloud, kicking at the ground. She looked around frantically, ignoring the beautiful view before her. "Wait! There has to be a pay phone of some sort around. This is a bus stop after all..." She mumbled.

Walking out the shelter of a tiny roof held up by four skinny steel poles, she walked around. "Does this stupid place even have technology..?" She grumbled annoyed already. New record. She then looked up the dirt road, seeing some houses and shops in view. "I could ju-"

"Peridot!" Called a woman's voice.

Peridot jumped up startled, looking around for the source of the voice. The blonde turned back and was met in a hug, by a huge and chubby woman. At the contact, she tried her best to pull back away from the woman's grip. Once free, she tilted her glasses from it's skewed placement. Pursing her lips, there before her eyes was Rose Quartz. A woman who hadn't even worked for her mother, but for her friend. Pink diamond. Was what she went by, at least what she used to go by.

A hand was held out before her, along with a kind smile. "Welcome to beach city's...neighbors."

Finally finished the chapter of this horribly written story, good job! But, hope you guys enjoyed it, Lapis is gonna come soon enough.

Your friend,
The author

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