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It was getting closer to your wedding, and you were more than a little stressed. Everything seemed to be going fine, but there were so many little things to do, and Misha was out of town. He had left Thursday, heading to a convention in Florida. It seemed so far away, and you hated the fact that he had gone away so close to the wedding. But it was the last convention for a while, and soon he would be on winter break. Then you would take your honeymoon, a quick trip to (pick a place) where you had always wanted to go. Jared and Gen had even offered to watch the kids while you were gone for three or four days. 

But you wished he hadn't had to go this weekend. You wanted him home, with you, not halfway across the world. You had nothing against the conventions, in a way you had wanted to go, but you were so occupied here. So you had kissed him goodbye, planning on spending your time with the kids. You felt bad, feeling like you hadn't spent much time with them lately. They were busy with their school, and you had been busy with the wedding. 

But you were also feeling extremely emotional. You had to hold back the tears while watching Finding Nemo one evening with the kids. Even the stupidest commercials brought tears to your eyes. And when your phone rang, and Griffin and Amelia called you, saying they missed you, you sobbed in your room for a good five minutes. You figured it had to do with the stress of the wedding, and you planned a fun weekend with the kids.

That Friday, after the kids got home from school, you made a quick batch of mac and cheese, before eating dinner outside on the patio. It was a perfect evening, and you had pillows, cushions and sheets piled on the table inside,  a surprise for the kids after dinner. They scarfed down dinner, wanting to see the surprise.

"We're going to build a fort!" You exclaimed, and they jumped up and down with excitement. The three of you got to work, moving chairs and tables around, until you had the perfect fort made. You had pillows to sit on, and enough room to sit up easily. 

"Can we sleep out here?" West begged, and you shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't see why not. Go get your sleeping bags." You said, and they squealed in excitement as they ran up the stairs. You followed, switching into your pajamas before grabbing enough blankets for everyone, along with lanterns and your cell phone. 

As you waited for the kids to come back, you checked for messages. There were three from Misha. "Made it here. It's too hot." Was his first text. His second text, "What are you up to? Already miss you and the kids." The third text came about half an hour ago. "Did you and the kids leave me? That's the only reason I can think of that you wouldn't answer me."

You quickly texted him back, taking a picture of the fort and sending it to him, telling him it was your bed for the night. Just then the kids came back down, pajamas on and ready for bed. The three of you made your beds, getting comfortable, before you read them a book. Soon they were both asleep, snuggled up close to you. Grabbing your phone, you saw a couple more text messages from Misha. "Thank god you didn't leave me. Who would listen to my crappy singing voice?" You held back a chuckle before reading the next one. "That's not fair. I am the fort making master, and you've taken my title away from me. There will be revenge." There was one more. "This bed is too big without you in my arms."

You felt tears pricking your eyes at his last one, wishing he was there so you could feel his arms wrapped around you. Sighing, you clicked off the lantern, before sliding down under the blanket, letting Maison cuddle closer to you as you fell asleep.

The smell of orange juice was the first thing to wake you up, and your stomach rolled uncomfortably. Opening your eyes, you saw the kids crawling back into the fort, their hands full of orange juice and toast. The smell of the jam on the toast, along with the pungent juice had you rushing past the kids, straight into the bathroom where you threw up the meager contents of your stomach.

Moments passed before you were able to stop, and wiping your mouth you returned to the fort. "Are you okay Mommy?" Maison asked you, and you nodded. She moved to hand you a piece of toast, and before you could take a bite, you were rushing back to the bathroom. 

After the third time in the bathroom, you felt much better. "Guys, instead of our plans, maybe we could keep our fort up and watch some movies? I'm not feeling that good today."

"Sure!" West exclaimed, before grabbing his tablet. The three of you spent an easy day in the fort, and by dinner time you were feeling much better, and extremely hungry.

"Hey, how about we call Gen, see if her and the boys want to meet us for dinner?" You asked. Gen, who was Jared's wife, was in town for a while, with her two boys. She had come to your birthday, and you had grown close to her, scheduling play dates with the kids at least once a month. Quickly texting her, you planned to meet in an hour at the new restaurant in town that was super kid friendly.

It was located down town, and it took you a while to find parking. By the time you made it to the front of the restaurant, Gen was waiting, a boy on each hand. Smiling at her, you followed her to the table where West sat next to Thomas. "I'm so glad you called. With Jared gone we were going a little crazy."

"We were too. I wasn't feeling good this morning, but I'm better now, and we needed a change of scenery." You admitted.

Her kind eyes looked you up and down. "You seem okay now. What's up?"

"My stomach was queasy this morning. Yesterday, I was super emotional. I think there might be some weird bug going around." 

She tapped her finger against her lip. "Not to be pushy, but that's how my pregnancy with Tom started."

Your jaw dropped as you stared at her. You were on birth control, but you had heard it wasn't completely effective. You started doing the math in your head, realizing that in your stress of planning your wedding, you hadn't realized that your period was over three weeks late. She noticed how pale your skin became, and she placed her hand over yours.

"I hope you don't mind me pointing it out. I can go with you tomorrow if you want, get some tests. But, it's not the end of the world. I think Misha would love it, if you were pregnant!" She exclaimed, as you could just sit there, more than a little scared at the possibility that you might be pregnant.

Love at First Video (Misha Collins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now