Ea Madden Dursley

7 0 0

House: Hufflepuff

Year: 2nd

Quidditch Position: Keeper

Animal: Barn Owl. Hiroto follows her everywhere. they fly together in Ea's time off, and create beautiful aerial spectacles. a small kitten found its way into her room, and her and her friends were too enthralled to kick it out. it is now HER cat, Mina.

Hair: Chocolate Brown with blonde highlights.

Eyes: Green

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 160 lbs

Basic Look: keeps her hair up on her head in a loose bun held by a clip. wears glasses, sometimes contacts. wears low-slung, form fitting jeans, black muscle shirts. several ear piercings. the "nose in a book" turns into a style for her, as she is never without one. wears stylized metal bracers and a wiry metallic choker.

Hobbies: Quidditch, Dark Arts, Charms Expert, Academics Team, Tri-Wizard hopeful

Master of the Dark Arts: can easily learn any and all spells, fli through advanced classes, duels. unspoken incantations. secretly learning no wand incantations.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2013 ⏰

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