It's Never As It Seems

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It's all the same. Well at least at the start of the game. Eye contact, smiles, traded text, and sparks. Looking for something to cover the deep wounds, scars and marks. The light feeling in your chest. Got cha moving more thinking less.

"She's yours,"you say to yourself. All hyped up from reading all the love books on the non-fiction bookshelf. Your feeling waves of emotions. "You're in love" you say. " Thinking can't nothing ruin this day.

"Is this want she wants?...Will she stay with you?," Answerless questions that flaunt through your mind. Are you just another on the hit list? Just another guy in line? Mind wondering, you begin to picture her dancing with an alluring smile. You're feeling her grove, and digging her style. "Is this forever?," A voice in your head asked. Tired of  the rewinding flashbacks of the pasted relationships, and trials life brings. Nothing but Fake people and wannabes being controlled by society's strings.

Seeking something to help you escape the harsh realities you face.  She seems to busy to text back tho, what-a waste. But you don't mind your in love! "It'll work itself out," You tell yourself ",stop stressing she's yours without a doubt".

She sends heart emojis like it's all cherries and whip cream. Truth is your blinded by love, and Falling for a childish scheme. Tell her you love her and she replies with dank memes. Man get out cho feelings! it's never as it seems!

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