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Josh POV

-Tyler just think about it, I want a daughter or a son, I want a child wether I have a wife or not.
-That's up to you Josh, I am not saying you can't, I am just saying that it will get complicated with our band and the tours, how will you manage to bring a child to tours?
-I can manage Tyler, you will see, besides you will adore my child
-Of course I will, I love children
He said drinking the last bit of liquid that was left on his beer can.
-Anyways, do you want me to come with you?
-No, it's going to be a surprise anyways thank you Ty, I will be back in a few minutes of more

I got out his house and walked towards my car, I got into the driver seat and drove to Mae's orphanage.
I parked my car and waited until they someone answered the door and let me in.
-Hello, what's your name sir?
-Joshua Dun, you are?
-The owner, Mae Latek, please take a seat sir
I smiled at her and sat on the chair on front of her desk.
I looked around at the room and she had painting that little kids drew for her attached to the walls.
-So, what age are you interested in?
She said distracting me from my panoramic view of the room.
-Well, I am looking forward to be a dad and I want a baby but if not, I am okay with any age
-Alright, are you a single man or married?
-I am single at the moment miss Latek
-Oh well that's alright, come take a walk with me, I will show you around

We got out of the office and a little girl around three years old came to me, I smiled at her and kneeled down.
-I like hair -she said touching my hair while giggling
-Well thank you sweetie, what's your name?
Miss Latek answered as she saw the little girl was struggling to say it
-Well that is a wonderful name, I love it
-thamk you
She giggled and hugged me

She had these amazing bright eyes, there were literally the color of gold mixed with dark brown, her small rounded face and cute cheeks made me think she was probably the one.
-Miss Latek
I said getting her attention and also Esme's.
-I want to adopt this little girl
-But you haven't seen the rest of the children
-No offense Miss Latek but, I don't think I need to see anyone else.
-Alright then, Minerva will help Esme pack her things while you come with me to sign the papers and I guess you can take her home today.

I saw Esme walk with an older girl upstairs and then I got into miss Latek's office once again to finally sign the papers.

I signed the forms and the legal papers, I folded the important papers and put them inside a small bag she gave me.

A knock on the door interrupted me, the door got opened just to reveal the older girl that took Esme minutes ago.
-The little girl is ready

I smiled to myself and thanked her, I also thanked Miss Latek and then I walked out the room just to find Esme in sitting on a chair with her pink bag.

-So, ready to go love?
-where to?
She asked me sweetly and I smiled at her, I picked up her bag and she asked me if I could pick her up too.
-We are going to my house sweetie, but first we have to buy some things for you
I smiled at her as I walked out of the orphanage.

We got to Home Depot and I sat her on the chair that was on the shopping cart.

I bought some green paint for the walls, some pillows/ blankets and a small bed for her.

Once I had everything in the cart I waited in the line with her.

After I paid for the things I took her to the toy store to get her some toys and then I took her home.

She was amazed by everything, the kitchen, the couch, the tv, the floor and the rest of the house.

She turned around to see me and I smiled at her but she didn't smile back, doesn't  she like me? But i made the idea disappear from my head.
-what's wrong princess, are you alright?
-Oh i see, right here love
I held her hand and walked her to the end of the hall where the bathroom was.
She stared at the bathroom and I waited for her to get in.
-What's the matter?
-I cannot be alone
-Well I can't enter with you sweetie, I will be here okay? Outside the bathroom if you need me
-no, please
-well..fine...but I am not going to watch
I said and closed my eyes with my hands. Once done I asked her to wash her hands and then I walked her towards the kitchen to get something to eat.

We were watching The Lion King when I received a text from Tyler saying he was coming over to meet Esme

I was about to tell her when I noticed she had fallen asleep. I picked her up and took her to my room, I left her on my bed and covered her with some blankets.

Tyler arrived two hours later and I opened before he could even ring the bell.
-She is sleeping but I am sure she will be up so...
I got cut by a high pitched scream and ran upstairs to my room with Tyler.

As soon as Esme saw me she hugged me tight and her scream became lower, I tried to calm her down but it seemed almost impossible.
-Esme it's okay, I am here, everything is okay, it's okay lovely, it's okay, I am here
She was now sobbing, I picked her up and patted her back to calm her down.
-it's okay love, you know who this is?
I said pointing at Tyler and she shook her head no
-This is Tyler, he is your uncle and my best friend
-Tyty - she said giggling and he smiled-daddy?
She said turning to me, I got all red, I was literally crying like a teenage girl inside.

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