8; Flower arrangements, tennis, and friends

Start from the beginning

Abby giggles and her and Zayn share a look.

I cough. "Yeah, well, I'm okay."

Zayn gives me a look but I choose to ignore it. Then him and Abby head off to the courts. I lean back against the railing and sigh.

I wanted to hate Abby but I didn't actually have a reason. She was kind and beautiful and lovely, and Zayn loved her. I guess the reason for feeling hurt is the idea that he could love her more than he loved me. That him and I didn't work out, but they will. I didn't make him happy, but she does. I was the first and she'll be the last.

"So you're just gonna stand there all day?" 

I look up and see Zayn again. "Aren't you supposed to be playing tennis?" I can't help the bite in my voice.

He holds up a bottle of water as if to motion that that was his reasoning for being up here and talking to me. "You should join us."

"I'm good." I turn back around.

He comes and stands beside me, leaning on the railing and opening the water bottle to take a sip. He doesn't say anything.

"So Abby," I say.

"Abby," he replies.

I look at him. "How long have you two been together?"

He hesitates. "A year?"

I just nod. "She's nice."

"Yeah, she's amazing. You two would really get along."

I don't say anything.

"Man, this is crazy seeing you here." He laughs. 

I still don't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"It's really good to see you," he repeats and I feel my insides warm a little. He looks at me. "It really is."

I smile. "You too."

"Well I should get back. You should come. Seriously." He looks at me, his body half turned.

"Really, I'm okay."

"Come on," he pushes. "You can't just stand here by yourself."

"I'll think about it." I give a small smile.

He smiles back. "Good." He then gives a little wave and runs off to the courts. Again.

I want to groan and kick something and scream but I know I need to get over myself. Zayn has moved on, Zayn is happy. Zayn has a life and I do not. Zayn is content and I am totally lost. I didn't realise seeing him would make me feel so confused. In the two years he has made something of himself, and I'm still stuck in the exact same place. 

I take a deep breath and head down to the courts.


"Hey! There she is!" Zayn calls as I reach the courts, bending down to grab a racket from the bucket by the gate. 

"Hi, Violet!" Abby waves. "Glad you could join us!"

I spy Doniya and Steve on the court beside us and when she looks over I give her a small wave, which she returns, before getting back to her game. Zayn's family occupy another court but other than that everyone else I don't recognise. 

"This is Aaron." Zayn introduces me to the guy standing on my side of the court. "He sucks at tennis so he really needs a partner. Aaron, this is Violet. She owns this whole place."

"Wow." Aaron grins at me. He's tall with brown messy hair and he wears a cap on his head. "Really?"

"My parents do," I correct. 

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