Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 7)

Start from the beginning

"Losing you was harder on me than you think Abby, I could only bring myself to clean your room because I know that is how you would have wanted it. Now that you have returned to us, I suppose that when I have more time I could clean up the rest of the house."

"Well... I did like my room clean, but even when I lived here before I wouldn't really clean the rest of the house. You make it seem like I'm some sort of clean freak. I'm not afraid of germs you know, we did grow up playing around in the mud."

Bray laughed at this.

"So we did..."

"It would probably just be weird to clean the house now, you have things in a certain place, if you cleaned up and moved things, you would probably go crazy and forget where you put everything. Just leave everything stay the way you're used to having things."

One thing Abigail remembered before she died was Luke, Erick, and Braun staying there. There wasn't really a reason, they were all just really good friends at the time, almost like family. She knew they stuck by Bray in the ring, but was surprised that Luke was still around.

"So Luke is still around... What about Erick and Braun?"

"They're outside... They still stay here. It got very lonely without you Abigail, I decided to let them stay... They are my brothers. Things are a bit different now... In your past life, you had everything figured out, and now... Things just seem so uncertain, but it's like I told you before, we are all here for you. You already saw Luke... Erick and Braun saw you that day at the arena, but I think they would be happy to see you again. They are outside doing yard work, that is just something they do on their own just to have something to do."

Abigail follows Bray outside and to the back yard where Erick was cutting wood for a fire, and Braun was picking up large pieces of metal that had been laying in the yard from a shed that had blown over years ago in a storm. Not much damage had been done to the house, but the shed was smaller and had blown over into several pieces. Braun and Erick seemed to know that Bray was out there and stopped what they were doing.

"Everything is fine boys, you're both doing a great job. I wanted to ask you boys if you recognize her."

Erick stayed quiet like he was trying to think, but Braun seemed to remember.

"Isn't she that girl we met at the arena?"

"Well yes, but really she is someone else completely, someone we're actually familiar with. We all grew up with her."

Erick smiled and looked at her.


"Yes! She is Abigail, just in a different form. I always had a feeling that her spirit was still on this earth and I was right. Here... She is the spirit of Abigail, just in a new form. I knew that some day she would return to us, now here she is, back where she belongs."

Erick and Braun both stopped what they were doing and went up to hug her. She laughed as they did this.

"It's good to see you guys too."

Erick was especially happy to see her because her and Bray were really the only people that ever stood up for him. Erick had been friends with Bray the longest, but soon became friends with Abigail once she stood up to Luke and Braun when they were kids. Once they all became friends, there was a time when there was someone she couldn't stand up to and was hit in the face. Braun had actually admired the way that she stood up to him and Luke. Once he found out Abigail was being bullied, he actually stood up for her and beat up the guy that had bullied her. The Wyatt Family really started at a young age. With Abigail, Bray, Luke, Braun, and Erick, nobody really messed with them again. They weren't really bullies, they just looked out for each other. This of course was when Bray was allowed to return home and before Abigail's death. While they were all getting to know each other again, Luke watched from a distance. He didn't want to seem so negative, but he didn't exactly believe that she was really Abigail yet. Once it came time for supper, most of them were talking, laughing, and enjoying their meal. Luke noticed how different things seemed with her here. All of this laughter and conversation was something he wasn't used to. Most of the time, they would sit and eat in silence and never really spoke to each other about anything. Bray noticed how quiet Luke was being.

"Luke...you haven't really said a word. This is a time of happiness again, Abigail has returned to us."

Luke took a sip of his drink, he didn't really show any emotion, but spoke briefly.

"That's great... Excuse me... I need to go out for some air."

No one really said anything, but Abigail wondered if maybe she had upset him somehow. She looked at Bray with a look of concern.

"I wouldn't worry about him... He has always been the most quiet out of all of us... Strangely enough, Erick was the most quiet as a kid, now it is Luke. Then again, there does seem to be this change in attitude."

"Maybe I should go talk to him."

"Go ahead."

Abigail left the table and went out the door. Bray wasn't the only one affected by Abigail's death. They had all become great friends, Luke and Abigail were always together, then when she died, it felt like a part of himself had died with her. Now he was supposed to believe that this newcomer had the spirit of Abigail inside of her. Abigail came out and saw Luke on the porch. He turned around when he heard the door again, and that was when he saw her.

"Luke... Can I talk to you?"

He was quite for a moment as he looked at her. She didn't look that different from the original Abigail.


"I couldn't help but notice that you seem to have a different attitude about me being here. Have I upset you somehow?"

"No... Why do you ask?"

"Because... Everyone else seems excited about me being here, they won't stop talking to me, but you... I get the feeling that you don't want me here. I wonder if I have upset you in some way, you haven't really said anything at all. If I have upset you somehow, I'm sorry."

"You haven't upset me."

"Then what is it?... Please talk to me Luke, we used to be best friends."

"I don't know if I believe that... Everyone else seems to believe that you are Abigail back to life... I'm sorry... I don't know if I believe you."

Luke had a certain harsh tone when he spoke, and it seemed to hurt her feelings. She ran back inside and the door slammed getting the attention of Bray and everyone else at the table. She didn't go back to the table, instead she went up to her room and closed the door before laying on her bed. Luke didn't realize the harshness in his voice and didn't think twice. Abigail was a bit upset, everyone else seemed to believe her, but Luke... He had been her best friend in the world when they were growing up. He was the only one that didn't believe her. That seemed to bother her more than anything else. Luke's tone made it sound like he didn't want her there. Bray noticed that Abigail seemed upset, he would let her calm down, and talk to her later. He wanted to know what Luke said to her that got her so upset. He had already finished eating and had left the table to go outside and join Luke. Luke could tell that Bray was not happy.

"Luke... Would you care to share with me what it was you said that has Abigail all upset?"

(To be continued. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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