Bleeding for You

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"Yes, we are dating" Dan finally admitted while squeezing his boyfriend's hand. He looked around the class. Nobody was looking at him like they would want to beat the crap out of him.

"You could have had admitted it earlier" someone said "it's no crime."

"Thank you" Paul smiled and sat down again. Dan wrapped an arm around his shoulder and then the teacher walked in.

- later that day, on the campus -

"So you are gay?!"

"Roger, calm down" Dan whispered.

"You. Are. Fucking. Gay! You traitor!" Roger screamed.

As soon as Dan realised that Roger had brought some more "friends", he was already held back by two of them. They made him stay in the position he was, while two others started punching him. Roger just stood next to the spectacle and laughed. Dan couldn't believe it, his own friend had ordered others to beat him. They kicked against his lower legs, punched him into his stomach, hit him in the face.

Bam! That one was deep and hurtful. Dan started poking, threw up blood.

Bam! One more, and he spied even more blood.

"Roger, stop..." he hissed in pain.

"No way!" Roger laughed satisfied. "You're getting what you deserve, you faggot!"

Bam! Another one into his stomach, another time he vomited.

Where was Paul?What did they do to him?! He tried to look around, but broke down with the very next hit.

- unknown time -

"Dan?" someone whispered. "Dan!"

Dan blinked a few times before he was able to open his eyes. He now looked directly into Paul's beautiful sparkling eyes.

"Hey" he whispered and smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Fuck," Dan groaned "my head is literally dying."

Paul sighed. "But thanks god you're finally alive."

"What even happened?"

"You don't remember a thing?"

"Not really... Just that it included a lot of blood."

"A lot of is probably a way too less... You lost like half of the blood you even owned due to Roger's gangsters.."

"They punched me, didn't they?"

"They more tried to kill you."

"Where were you?"

"They held me back as well, made me watch it all..." Paul looked down.

"How long have I been here?"

"For three days. You were pretty lucky to say so. The doctor told me, or your mum who told me then, that they had to remove your milt, fix your lungs and sew the wound on your cheek. You could have ended worse, baby..."

Paul leaned forward to place a soft kiss on Dan's lips. "But you're gonna be fine..."

"How long have you been here?"

"I have never left..."

"And my mum?" Dan started to panic. Did his mum know about him being gay? If yes, what would she do? Had she already done something? He suddenly felt dizzy.

"She's fine with it."


"Yes, she said it is okay with her. Sure, she doesn't appreciate her son being gay, but she wants you to be happy."

"I'm happy with you..." Dan mumbled.

"She knows that" Paul smiled.

"Did they hurt you?" Dan quickly changed the topic. He didn't want to talk about his mum or his whole family at all. He knew that deep in their inner, he was a shame and he was only half of a family member by now.

"They hurt my heart. I can't imagine a life without you. These past three days were the worst ever. I thought you would never come back to me..."

"They're gonna pay for it..."

"Already reported them to the police."

"You're the best, Paul. Please never forget that" Dan smiled.

Paul giggled, but his laughing was interrupted by a moan.

"Someone's tired" Dan noticed.

"I didn't sleep a lot. And if, then my sleep was filled with nightmares, pure fear of losing you..."

"Come on, the bed is big enough for the both of us.."


"No, but" Dan cut him short. "Snuggle in, I don't want you to fall asleep on that awfully looking chair."

Paul did what he was told to and soon lied next to his black haired boyfriend. Dan rested his head on his chest and it was just peacefully. Nothing would ever destroy them again. Nothing.

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